On Stationarity of Variance Calculation Series

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The department of Avionics aims to train qualified technicians of electrics-electronics as required for maintenance, repairs and renewal procedures in the national and international sector of civil aviation. The department trains students in how to perform maintenance and repairs on electrical and electronic equipment of aircrafts using contemporary methods and techniques that fit the provisioned rules. The department holds a SHY147 certificate. Therefore, the curriculum of education meets that for technician training provisioned by the European Aviation Safety Agency, in addition to subjects of basic electricity and electronics. The education is provided in English as the language for aviation. An Avionics Laboratory, an Aircraft Communication and Navigation Laboratory, an Aircraft Electrical Systems Laboratory and a Cockpit Instrumentation Laboratory are available at the İncek campus of our University. The department also provides in-house training with actual aircrafts at the training hangar at the Esenboğa Airport.

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While making reliability observations, more samples mean one can make a statistically representative prediction. It is possible to model the failure arrival characteristics statistically using this knowledge. As a natural product of many experiments, a mean and variance figure can be identified for modelling the different occurrences. Even though the different situations can be modelled with such parameters, it may not wholly outline the condition of the product being developed and under test. The variance calculation series derived from the original reliability observation series, which is normally used for simple variance calculation, can be an important consideration. This consideration is rarely encountered. With a mean and a variance figure, a statistical prediction can be made. However, with the very same parameters, another reliability characteristic possessing product or a subcomponent may exist. For this instance, identifying whether the variance calculation series has stationarity and incorporating it in calculations can yield a possible prediction of a more accurate statistical model. In this study, the variance calculation series is considered for their stationary character at hand and is shown to possess such character yielding further modelling possibilities and emphasizing the importance of this consideration.



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Journal of aviation (Online)





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