Türkiye'nin Rusya'ya Karşı Dış Politikası: İki Ezeli Rakip Arasındaki 2009-2022 Arasındaki İlişkilerin İncelenmesi
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Bu araştırmanın temel amacı genel olarak neo-klasik realizm perspektifinden 2009-2022 zaman aralığındaki Türk-Rus ilişkileridir. Türkiye ve Rusya iki büyük imparatorluğun devamı olarak çoğunluğu kanlı savaşlardan oluşmakla beraber işbirliği içinde ya da çatışmalı bir ilişki içinde olmuşlardır. Sovyetler Birliğinin çöküşünden sonra, hatta daha da önemlisi Suriye iç savaşının patlak vermesinden sonra bu iki devlet arasındaki ilişkiler farklı bir rota izlemiştir. Bu yeni durum bu iki tarihsel rakibi birbirine karşı düşmanlık beslemek yerine adeta işbirliği yapmaya zorlamıştır. Türk-Rus ilişkilerindeki bu yeni rota Türkiye, Batı hem de Rusya için çok büyük jeopolitik önem arz etmektedir. Şu an batının çok ciddi endişelerine rağmen devam eden bir Türk-Rus işbirliğinden bahsedebilmekteyiz. Türkiye-Rusya arasındaki çok katmanlı yeni ilişki ağının en önemli alt başlıklarından biri ise iki ülke arasındaki NATO ve özellikle ABD'nin itirazlarına rağmen gerçekleştirilmiş olan S-400 anlaşmasıdır. Bu kendine özgü eşsiz yakınlaşma çalkantılı tarihleri boyunca bu iki ülke arasında hiç bu kadar güçlü olmadığı için yeni ve çok özel bir çalışma istemektedir. Bu tez son gelişmeler ışığında Türk-Rus ilişkilerinin dinamiklerini ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu tezin hipotezi bu ilişkinin çok güçlü bir müttefiklik ilişkisine evirilmeyeceği yönündedir. Bunun nedenleri olarak iki ülke arasındaki derin jeopolitik karşıtlık, tarihsel olarak oluşmuş güvensizlik kültürü, Türk ekonomisinin batıya entegrasyonu ve Türkiye'nin batıyla olan derin müttefiklik ilişkisi gösterilebilir. Bu tezde doküman analiz araştırma tekniği benimsenmiştir. Bu tez Giriş ve Sonuç bölümlerinin yanında Teorisel Çerçeve, Türk-Rus İlişkilerinin Kısa Tarihi, Türkiye ve Rusya Arasındaki Yakın İlişkilerin Nedenleri, Türkiye Rusya Arasındaki Uzun Süreli ve Sağlam İlişkinin Önündeki Engeller adlı alt başlıklardan oluşmaktadır. Bu tez bu ilişkinin uzun süreli olamayacağını ve stratejik bir işbirliğine dönüşmeyeceğini belli başlı nedenleri temel alarak açıkça ortaya koymuştur.
The main topic concern of this research is Turkish-Russians relations in general within the period that corresponds to 2009-2022-time span within the spectrum of neo-classical realism. Tukey and Russia, as the continuation of former empires Ottoman and Russian Empires respectively, have always been engaged in some kind of relationship, be that cooperative or conflicting, but most of which consists of catastrophic wars waged against each other. With collapse of the Soviet Union and even more significantly after the break-out of the Syrian civil war, the relations took a different track, which kind of compelled these two arch-rivals to cooperate rather than feed an enmity against each other. This turn in the course of Turkish-Russian relations is of huge geopolitical significance for the west, Turkey and Russia. Now we are talking about a situation in which Turkey and Russia are courting with each other despite the grave concerns uttered by the west. The bottom-line of this multi-scope cooperation may be the S-400 deal which was realized between these two countries despite serious objections from the NATO, most notably from the USA. This sue generis cooperation deserves renewed and careful attention because that much close relations have never been experienced by these two countries throughout their tumultuous history. This thesis tries to find out the dynamics of Turkish-Russian relations in the light of recent developments. The hypothesis of this thesis is that this relationship is less likely to turn into something like a strategic alliance because of deep geopolitical confrontation and 'historically-rooted culture of insecurity' along with some other reasons which are close integration of Turkish economy with west and deep security alliance of Turkey with the western powers. As to the methodology of the thesis, document analysis is adopted, examining the latest literature on the issue. The research is composed of four main parts apart from Introduction and Conclusion, which are Theoretical Framework, a Brief History of Turkish-Russian Relations and the Main Reasons for Russian-Turkish Cooperation, and Potential Obstacles to a Durable Cooperation between Russia and Turkey. This thesis proves that this relationship cannot be a long-term one and may not evolve into a strategic partnership for certain valid reasons.
The main topic concern of this research is Turkish-Russians relations in general within the period that corresponds to 2009-2022-time span within the spectrum of neo-classical realism. Tukey and Russia, as the continuation of former empires Ottoman and Russian Empires respectively, have always been engaged in some kind of relationship, be that cooperative or conflicting, but most of which consists of catastrophic wars waged against each other. With collapse of the Soviet Union and even more significantly after the break-out of the Syrian civil war, the relations took a different track, which kind of compelled these two arch-rivals to cooperate rather than feed an enmity against each other. This turn in the course of Turkish-Russian relations is of huge geopolitical significance for the west, Turkey and Russia. Now we are talking about a situation in which Turkey and Russia are courting with each other despite the grave concerns uttered by the west. The bottom-line of this multi-scope cooperation may be the S-400 deal which was realized between these two countries despite serious objections from the NATO, most notably from the USA. This sue generis cooperation deserves renewed and careful attention because that much close relations have never been experienced by these two countries throughout their tumultuous history. This thesis tries to find out the dynamics of Turkish-Russian relations in the light of recent developments. The hypothesis of this thesis is that this relationship is less likely to turn into something like a strategic alliance because of deep geopolitical confrontation and 'historically-rooted culture of insecurity' along with some other reasons which are close integration of Turkish economy with west and deep security alliance of Turkey with the western powers. As to the methodology of the thesis, document analysis is adopted, examining the latest literature on the issue. The research is composed of four main parts apart from Introduction and Conclusion, which are Theoretical Framework, a Brief History of Turkish-Russian Relations and the Main Reasons for Russian-Turkish Cooperation, and Potential Obstacles to a Durable Cooperation between Russia and Turkey. This thesis proves that this relationship cannot be a long-term one and may not evolve into a strategic partnership for certain valid reasons.
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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