Türk Devlet Muhasebe Sisteminin Tekdüzen Muhasebe Sistemi ile Uyumlaştırılması
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Geçmiş yıllarda ülkemizde devlet muhasebesi alanında yaşanan en büyük sorun uygulamadaki dağınıklıktır. Devlet kapsamındaki birimlerde muhasebe sistemleri birbirinden farklı olarak hazırlanmış, kurumlar arası karşılaştırma yapma olanağı sağlanamamış, sadece bütçede yer alan gelir ve giderler izlenmiş, ihtiyacı olanlara zamanında ve doğru bilgi sunulamamıştır. Yukarıda belirtildiği gibi pek çok konuda yetersiz kalan ve uygulama sorunlarına sebep olan Nakit Esaslı Devlet Muhasebesi, ülkemizde uzun yıllar uygulanmış beklentileri karşılamakta yetersiz kaldığı için yeniden yapılandırılması gereği ön plana çıkmıştır. Bu kapsamda, 1995 yılında ilk çalışmalarına başlanan ve 2006 yılında tüm idarelerde uygulanmaya başlanan Nakit Esaslı Devlet Muhasebesi Sistemi'nden tam anlamıyla vazgeçilmeyerek Tahakkuk Esaslı Devlet Muhasebesi Sistemi ile birarada yürütülebilen bir muhasebe sistemi oluşturulmuştur. 5018 sayılı Kamu Mali Yönetimi ve Kontrol Kanununun 2006 yılında tüm maddeleriyle yürürlüğe girmesiyle birlikte mali sistemin birçok alanında değişim meydana gelmiş, mali şeffaflık ve hesap verilebilirlik sağlanmış ve devlet muhasebesinde tekdüzelik sağlanarak ortak standartlar ve kurallar oluşturulmuştur.Bu çalışma, ülkemizde mali saydamlık ve hesap verilebilirlik açısından atılan en önemli adımlardan biri olan devlet muhasebe sisteminde Tahakkuk Esaslı Devlet Muhasebesi Sistemi'ne geçiş ile Tekdüzen muhasebe sisteminin oluşturulması sonucu söz konusu muhasebe sisteminin sağlayacağı faydaların ve uluslararası standartlar çerçevesinde yeniden yapılandırılmasının önemi üzerine kurulmuştur.
In the past years in our country the biggest problem in the goverment accounting system is disorderness of practice. In the goverment sphere unit the accounting system has been prepared incongruously,the comparison between the institutions has not been in the right way. Only the income and expenditure in the budget is monitored but the time and the accurate information couldnt presented at the right time. As the mentioned above, the cash based goverment accounting causes insufficiant application problems in many issues, therefor for for many years it doesn?t meet the expactation which is required, then it was force to be restructing. In this context, first work starts in 1995. In 2006, while all departments were using the cash based goverment accounting system, it has been applied the accrual based goverment accounting as well. Systems conducted together and has been establish new accounting system. In 2006, the entry of the Public Financial Management and Control Law no:5018, the financial site with all the materials have changed, financial transparency and accountability can be provided and state accounting rules in the uniformity and common standards were created.This study shows in our country, financial transparency and accountability are taken the most important steps in the accounting system. The Accrual Based Accounting System with the transition to the Uniform accounting system will provide benefits and international standards within the framework of the importance of reconstruction has been established.
In the past years in our country the biggest problem in the goverment accounting system is disorderness of practice. In the goverment sphere unit the accounting system has been prepared incongruously,the comparison between the institutions has not been in the right way. Only the income and expenditure in the budget is monitored but the time and the accurate information couldnt presented at the right time. As the mentioned above, the cash based goverment accounting causes insufficiant application problems in many issues, therefor for for many years it doesn?t meet the expactation which is required, then it was force to be restructing. In this context, first work starts in 1995. In 2006, while all departments were using the cash based goverment accounting system, it has been applied the accrual based goverment accounting as well. Systems conducted together and has been establish new accounting system. In 2006, the entry of the Public Financial Management and Control Law no:5018, the financial site with all the materials have changed, financial transparency and accountability can be provided and state accounting rules in the uniformity and common standards were created.This study shows in our country, financial transparency and accountability are taken the most important steps in the accounting system. The Accrual Based Accounting System with the transition to the Uniform accounting system will provide benefits and international standards within the framework of the importance of reconstruction has been established.
İşletme, Kamu muhasebesi, Muhasebe, Business Administration, Muhasebe sistemleri, Public accounting, Accounting, Tahakkuk, Accounting systems, Tek düzen muhasebe sistemi, Accrual, Uniform accounting system, Uyumlaştırma, Harmonization
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