Çoğunluk doğrudan yatırım kararlarının performans üzerine etkisi: OECD konaklama endüstrisi örneği

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Tourism Management
The aim of Atılım University Department of Tourism Management is to train tourism managers who are able to compete at an international level by offering quality education opportunities. Graduates employed as managers in the fields of accommodation, travel, catering, gastronomy, transportation, congress, conference organization begin their professional life while they are still interns. The academic staff consists of faculty members who are experts in their field, as well as sector professionals. With five years of education including the preparatory English courses offered, the courses of the department are in English. The course program consists of applied and theoretical courses devised with respect to the global trends in tourism. Students perform their internship studies at hotel chains, A-Class travel agencies and professional tourism companies. Our Department is in contract with universities abroad within the scope of the Erasmus student Exchange program. With its quality of education documented by TURAK (Tourism Education, Evaluation and Accreditation Board), Atılım university Department of Tourism Management is the first undergraduate program in Turkey to hold the accreditation.
Organizational Unit
We are a department that has been active for 22 years with the goal to determine the structural changes in economy and the problems of general business administration, to develop problem solving skills and to devise modelling techniques that fit our aims. Among our cornerstones are to graduate more students into administrative positions of our institutions, to help them realize their inner potential to be go-getters, to prepare them for the entrance exams for high-tier, well-respected public positions, and to help them participate graduate and doctorate degree programs at ease, nationally or internationally. In this regard, our course curriculum is constantly subject to updates. In addition, we do all in our power to graduate students that stand out, with double-major program opportunities. We make an effort to aid our students in kick-starting their professional life after completing a period of one semester at Private - Public institutions within the framework of our Cooperative Education Program.

Journal Issue


Bu çalışma doğrudan yabancı yatırım teorilerinden biri olan Eklektik Paradigma'yı (OLI Modeli) açıklamakta ve paradigmanın unsurlarından bir tanesi olan sahiplik üstünlüğünün, OECD'de bulunan oteller ve benzeri konaklama faaliyeti gösteren (NACE=5510) işletmelerin performansına etkisini ölçmektedir. Çalışmada, OECD ülkelerinde bulunan otel ve benzeri 105 konaklama işletmelerinin verileri ile kurulan model, panel veri yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Model ilk olarak OECD ülkesinde faaliyet gösteren 73 şirketin 10 yıllık verisi (2010-2019) ile incelenmiş ardından modele Türkiye eklenerek 4 yıllık (2015-2018) veri ile tekrar incelenmiş ve sonuçlar ayrı ayrı açıklanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda ilk olarak, OECD ülkelerinde faaliyet gösteren otel ve benzeri konaklama yerlerinde sahiplik avantajının işletme performansı üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları bu işletmeler için her iki modelde de işletme büyüklüğünün performansa etkisi olmadığını ortaya koyarken, maddi olmayan duran varlıkların performansa etkisini ortaya koymuştur. Birinci modelde çalışan başına ciro performans ilişkisi anlamsız çıkarken bu değişken ikinci modelde anlamlı çıkmıştır. Yine bu işletmeler için birinci modelde uluslararası ortaklık payının %10 - %50 arasında işletme performansına etki ettiği görülmüştür. Kurulan ikinci modelde bu değişken veri kısıtlılığından dolayı anlamsız çıkmıştır ve modelden dışlanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçları kurulan modelin daha da genişletilebileceğine dair kanıtlar sunmaktadır. Veri kısıtlılığı buradaki temel sorun olmaktadır. Kurulan model sahiplik avantajını ölçmek ile beraber Eklektik Paradigma'nın diğer unsurları hakkında bilgi vermemektedir. İlerleyen çalışmalarda model, bu yönde yeniden oluşturularak literatüre katkı vermesi beklenebilir.
This study explains the Eclectic Paradigm (OLI Model), which is one of the foreign direct investment theories, and measures the effect of ownership advantage, which is one of the elements of the paradigm, on the performance of the hotels and similar accommodation activities (NACE = 5510). in the OECD countries. The method of the study is to examine data of 105 hotels and similar hotels in OECD countries using the panel data method with established model. The model operates as the company's 10-year data for 73 OECD countries (2010-2019) and then examined again by adding a model in Turkey examined four years (2015-2018) of data and results are disclosed separately. As a result of the study, firstly, the effect of ownership advantage of hotels and similar accommodation places operating in OECD countries on firm performance was examined. The results of the analysis revealed that firm size has no effect on performance in both models for these companies, while the effect of intangible fixed assets on performance is revealed. While the relationship between performance on turnover per employee was found to be insignificant in the first model, this variable was found to be significant in the second model. Again for these companies, in the first model, it has been observed that the international partnership share affects the firm performance between 10% and 50%. In the second model that was established, this variable was found to be insignificant due to data limitation and was excluded from the model. The results of the research provide evidence that the established model can be further expanded. Data limitation is the main problem here. The established model does not provide information about the other elements of the eclectic paradigm, although it measures the ownership advantage. In future studies, the model can be reconstructed in this direction and it can be expected to contribute to the literature.



Turizm, İşletme, Doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımları, Dunning-Kruger Etkisi, Eklektik model, Tourism, Konaklama sektörü, Business Administration, Foreign direct investments, Oteller, Dunning-Kruger Effect, Eclectic model, Performans, Accommadation sector, Hotels, Sahiplik üstünlükleri, Performance, Ownership advantage, Yatırım kararları, Investment decisions

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