Çin ve Batı: Ondokuzuncu Yüzyıl Boyunca Güç İlişkileri
Küçükdeğirmenci, Oktay
Ünal, Hasan
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Batılılar pek çok yeni silah, yeni tür fikirler ve onlar için neyin iyi olduğunu söylemeye ilgili misyonerlerle agresif bir güçle Çin'e ilk kez geldiklerinde, Çinliler daha önce böyle insanlarla karşılaşmadıkları için nasıl cevap vereceklerini bilmiyorlardı. Çok uzun zamandır başarılı oldukları için hazırlanmış değillerdi. Kendi başarıları konusunda halinden memnun olmuşlardı ve batılılar tarafından çok agresif bir şekilde meydan okunduklarında cevap vermede yeteri kadar başarılı olamadılar ve dolayısıyla her şeyi kaybettiler. Batı'nın bakış açısından bu Çin'den ne istedikleri anlamına gelir, ancak Çin'in onlardan ne beklediğini asla merak etmediler. Aslında Çinliler tarihlerinin çoğunda olduğu gibi sadece yalnız kalmak istediler. Fakat şimdi bu değişmek üzeredir ve bu değişim gelecek yüzyıllar için dünyayı dönüştürecektir. Bu tezin amacı 19. Yüzyıl da Çin ve Batı arasındaki güç ilişkilerinin nasıl olduğunu analiz etmek ve açıklamaktır. Bu kapsamda Batı ile karşılaşmadan önce Çin'de ki tarihsel ve siyasal koşullar ve bu ilişkilerin güç ilişkilerin temelinde nasıl devam ettiği incelenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler; Çin, Misyonerlik, Güç İlişkileri, Batı
When the westerners came for the first time, to China in an aggressive force with a lot of new armaments, new kind of ideas and with missionary intersting to tell the world what is good for them, the Chinese did not know how to respond because they had not been met people like that before. They were not prepared and since they had been successful for so long. They had become complacent about their own success and when they were challenged in this very aggressive way by the westerners they failed to response adequately and therefore they lost everything. In the perspective of west, this means what they wanted from China, but never wondered what China wanted from them. In fact, just as being most of their history, they just wanted to be left alone. Yet, now, for the first time, it is about to change and this change will transform the world for the centuries to come. The purpose of this thesis is related to analysis and explain how power relations between China and West were in the nineteenth century ? In this framework, it has been examined historical and political conditions in China before meeting to west and how this relations went on the basis of power relations. Keywords; China, Missionary, Power Relations, West
When the westerners came for the first time, to China in an aggressive force with a lot of new armaments, new kind of ideas and with missionary intersting to tell the world what is good for them, the Chinese did not know how to respond because they had not been met people like that before. They were not prepared and since they had been successful for so long. They had become complacent about their own success and when they were challenged in this very aggressive way by the westerners they failed to response adequately and therefore they lost everything. In the perspective of west, this means what they wanted from China, but never wondered what China wanted from them. In fact, just as being most of their history, they just wanted to be left alone. Yet, now, for the first time, it is about to change and this change will transform the world for the centuries to come. The purpose of this thesis is related to analysis and explain how power relations between China and West were in the nineteenth century ? In this framework, it has been examined historical and political conditions in China before meeting to west and how this relations went on the basis of power relations. Keywords; China, Missionary, Power Relations, West
Uluslararası İlişkiler, Batı ülkeleri, Güç ilişkileri, International Relations, Western countries, Misyonerlik, Power relations, Uluslararası ilişkiler, Missionary, International relations, Çin, China
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