Yabancıların Dilekçe Hakkı
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Dilekçe en genel anlamıyla, bir dileği veya bir şikayeti bildirmek için resmi makamlara sunulan yazıdır. Dilekçe hakkının hukuken tanınması zaman almış olsa da, insanlar yöneten- yönetilen ilişkisinin başlangıcından bu yana dilek ve şikayetlerini idari makamlara sözlü veya yazılı bir şekilde iletmişlerdir. Yönetenler bu hakkı resmen bireylere tanımasalar da bireylerin dilek ve şikayetlerini dile getirmelerini engelleyememişler ve onları dinlemek zorunda kalmışlardır. Hukukumuzda dilekçe hakkı anayasal güvence altına alınmış, 3071 s. DHKHK ile ayrıntılı bir şekilde düzenlenmiştir. Dilekçe hakkının muhatabı niteliğindeki makamların dilekçe hakkı kapsamındaki yükümlülükleri TBMM İçtüzüğü ve 2004/12 s. Başbakanlık Genelgesi ile ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışmada öncelikle yabancı kavramı ve yabancılara tanınan haklar ortaya konulmuştur. Ardından dilekçe hakkı, kullanım esasları, dilekçelerin incelenme usulü ve yabancıların dilekçe hakkının kullanım esasları yasal mevzuat çerçevesinde eleştirel bir şekilde ele alınmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Dilekçe hakkı, şikayet, karşılıklılık, ikamet etme, 3071 s. Dilekçe Hakkının Kullanılması Hakkında Kanun.
In the widest sense, petition is the writing which is submitted to official authorities in order to make a wish or a complaint. Although, it took time for petition of right to take its place in law, people conveyed their wishes or complaints in oral or written manner to administrative authorities since the beggining of the relation of people and administration. Even if the rulers had not accorded this right formally, they could not prevent individuals to voice their wishes and complaints and had to listen to people. Right of petition is guaranteed in our contutition and formed in detail by DHKHK (Law no:3071). Reponsibilities of the authorities which are interlocutor to the petition are regulated by standing orders of Türkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) and circular of Prime Ministry (No: 2004/12). In this study, first of all, the concept of foreigner and the rights granted to them are explained. Then, petition of right, procedure of its usage, examiation of the petititons and principals of usage of foreigners' right of petition are discussed within the legal framework in a critical manner. Key words: Petition of right, complaint, reciprocity, accommodation, law on the usage of the right of petition (Law no: 3071).
In the widest sense, petition is the writing which is submitted to official authorities in order to make a wish or a complaint. Although, it took time for petition of right to take its place in law, people conveyed their wishes or complaints in oral or written manner to administrative authorities since the beggining of the relation of people and administration. Even if the rulers had not accorded this right formally, they could not prevent individuals to voice their wishes and complaints and had to listen to people. Right of petition is guaranteed in our contutition and formed in detail by DHKHK (Law no:3071). Reponsibilities of the authorities which are interlocutor to the petition are regulated by standing orders of Türkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) and circular of Prime Ministry (No: 2004/12). In this study, first of all, the concept of foreigner and the rights granted to them are explained. Then, petition of right, procedure of its usage, examiation of the petititons and principals of usage of foreigners' right of petition are discussed within the legal framework in a critical manner. Key words: Petition of right, complaint, reciprocity, accommodation, law on the usage of the right of petition (Law no: 3071).
Hukuk, Dilekçe, Law, Yabancılar, Petition, Yabancılar hukuku, Foreigners, Forigners law, Yabancılar mevzuatı, Foreigners regulations
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