Citizenship education courses in primary schools in modern Turkey (1920s-1950s)

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Department of Social Sciences for University wide Courses
Our department offers compulsory courses “Turkish Language” and “Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution” as envisaged by the Council of Higher Education as well as History of Civilization course to all the students at our university. Along with these compulsory courses, the department offers general elective courses comprising subjects such as social responsibility tasks, Women studies, culture and history. The purpose of compulsory Principles of Ataturk and History of Turkish Revolution course is to introduce and convey the foundation and fundamental values of the Republic of Turkey to the new generations and the objective of Turkish Language course is to study on our language with modern methods within the scope of the subjects such as language, literature, culture etc.

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According to Mustafa Kemal, salvation is possible only through national education. The consciousness of freedom should be taught in schools. Teachers also had duties on the path to national awakening and organisation. After the Grand National Assembly was established in Ankara, the government gave the students and teachers the task of enlightening Turkish people. The idea was that future generations should be raised with a national, scientific, and secular education to protect Türkiye's independence and strengthen the republic regime. The feelings of virtue, self-sacrifice, order, discipline, and self-confidence should be reinforced in the new generation. The "citizenship education at primary school," which the intellectuals of constitutionalism focused on within the scope of the "new man-new society" project, constituted an important dimension of nation-building. In this study, citizenship education courses with different names such as Citizenship, Homeland, Malumat-i Vataniye, etc. will be evaluated by using official course books from the 1920s to 1950s in the Republic of Türkiye. © 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved.



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Global Perspectives on Value Education in Primary School



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