Taliban'ın Afganistan'da yükselişi, düşüşü ve tekrar ortaya çıkışı

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International Relations
The Atılım University Department of International Relations was founded in 1997. International relations is a field of science where the relations among states, organizations and other players in the international system are researched and observed. The field of international relations is also an interdisciplinary field, combining areas such as economy, history and political science to research on topics such as human rights, global poverty, environment, economy, globalization, security and global ethics. Offering three Graduate Degree programs in addition to the undergraduate program, the Department of International Relations continues to graduate individuals from its Graduate Degree Program in European Union Studies, as well as its Graduate Degree programs in Turkish and English.

Journal Issue


Günümüzde Afganistan bir Cumhuriyet değil, Taliban'ın Şeriatı yorumlamasıyla yönetilen İslami bir devlettir ve tüm modernleşme süreci ve kaydedilen gelişmeler bu doğrultuda yok olmuştur. Taliban 2001 yılından sonra hayatta kalabilmiş bir grup olup bunun nedeni Afganistan'ın başkaldırıya uygun coğrafyası; Pakistan'ın dış yardımları; Amerikan askerlerinin Afgan sivillere yanlış davranışları sonucundaki yerel destek ve Taliban'ın Sovyetlere karşı başkaldırısında edindiği deneyimdir. Bir diğer yandan Taliban'ın 2021 yılından sonra Afganistan'da önemli bir aktör olarak tekrar ortaya çıkışı bölgesel rekabetten kaynaklanmaktadır; Amerika'nın 2010'lardaki değişen uluslararası siyaseti ve sonrasında Amerikan askerlerini Afganistan'dan çekme planı, Pakistan'ın desteği ve Çin ve Rusya'nın desteği. Bütün bunlar sonucunda Taliban Afganistan'da bir kez daha iktidara gelmiştir. Bu tez ile Taliban'ın Afganistan'da yükselişi, düşüşü ve yeniden ortaya çıkışı incelenmektedir. Tezin bulgularına göre Taliban'ın ortaya çıkışı bölgedeki siyasi belirsizlikten, Pakistan yardımlarından ve Amerikan'ın başarısız işgalinden ileri gelmekte olup tekrar ortaya çıkması da bölgenin coğrafi yapısından, Amerikan askerlerinin eylemlerinden, İslami köktendincilikten ve dış yardımlardan kaynaklanmaktadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Taliban, El-Kaide, Aşırılık, ABD, 11 Eylül Saldırısı
Afghanistan is now not a republic but an Islamic state that is being ruled with the Taliban's interpretation to Sharia and the entire modernization process and achievements of the republic disappeared. Taliban could survive after the 2001 as an insurgent group because the Afghanistan's geography was too convenient to make insurgency, there was foreign support like Pakistan's covert supports, there was local support because of the mistreatments of U.S soldiers to Afghan civilians and also the Taliban was experienced about insurgency with their past against Soviets. However, , the re-emergence of Taliban as dominant political actor in the Afghanistan after in 2021 could be possible because of the regional rivalries; the changed U.S international policy in 2010s, and The Taliban became capable of re-emerging because of the inefficiency of Afghan government, Pakistan's support, China and Russia's support and changes in United States' grand strategy that caused the removal of U.S troops from Afghanistan, and became the ruler of Afghanistan one more time. This thesis analyzes how Taliban came to rise as a threatening force and was subdued and has eventually reemerged as a significant actor in Afghanistan. The findings of the study indicate Taliban's rise to the power has been due to political ambiguity in the region and Pakistani support and later was subdued by the U.S invasion, however it has reemerged as a prevalent political actor because of the geography of the region, actions of U.S soldiers, fundamentalist Islamism, and foreign aids in the contemporary world. Keywords: Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Extremism, US, September 11 Incident



Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations

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