Mekansal değişimin gündelik yaşama etkisinin irdelenmesi: Ankara Hamamarkası evleri örneği
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Tez, Ankara, Altındağ ilçesinin Hamamarkası Bölgesinde sağlıklaştırma proje uygulamasının sonucunda konutlardaki mekânsal değişimi ve bu değişimin kullanıcıların gündelik hayatları üzerindeki etkisini konu edinmektedir. Cumhuriyet'in ilk dönemlerinin önemli olaylarına tanıklık etmiş tarihi bölgelerden birisi olan Hamamarkası, zaman içinde köhneleşmiş, gecekondu bölgesi olmuş, giderek suç bölgesine dönüşmüştür. 2008'den itibaren bölgedeki gecekondularda, konaklarda, tarihi evlerde ve sokaklarda sağlıklaştırma çalışması yapılmaktadır: Bazı gecekondular iyileştirilerek konaklara dönüştürülmüş; konaklar restore edilerek tekrar konut olarak ya da farklı işlevlerle kullanıma açılmış; gecekonduların büyük kısmı yıkılarak yeni konutlar yapılmıştır. Konut mekânları yaşam tarzlarını etkilerken, karşılıklı olarak, yaşam tarzları da içinde yaşanılan mekânları dönüştürür. Tezin amacı, yeni konut mekânları ile gündelik hayat etkileşimini, bir başka deyişle, değişen mekânların sağlıklaştırma öncesi yaşam tarzları üzerindeki etkisini ve mevcut yaşam tarzlarının yeni konut mekânlarındaki etkisini irdelemektir. Tezin amacına ulaşabilmek için sağlıklaştırma öncesindeki konutların (gecekondu ve konaklar) mekânsal biçimlenmesi ve yaşam tarzları ile sağlıklaştırma sonrasındaki konutların (iyileştirilen gecekondular, işlev değiştiren konaklar ve yeni inşa edilen konutlar) mekânsal biçimlenmesi ve yaşam tarzları incelenmiştir. Konut planları edinilerek ve gecekonduların rölevesi çıkartılarak, mekânsal analiz yapılmış; Belediyeden edinilen bilgiler, veriler, yerinde araştırma ve gözlem ile desteklenmiş; konut sakinleriyle, sağlıklaştırma yapılmış ve yapılmamış alanlarda yaşayanlarla görüşülmüştür. Tüm veriler değerlendirilerek sağlıklaştırma yapılmış ve yapılmamış alanlar karşılaştırılmıştır. Karşılaştırma sonucunda, yeni konutların nitelikli mekânsal olanaklar sağlamakla birlikte, mevcut yaşam tarzlarını, eski alışkanlıkları değiştiremediği gibi, tam tersine, yeni mekânların eski kullanımlara uygun olacak şekilde dönüştürüldüğü saptanmıştır. Fiziksel iyileşme hiç kuşkusuz, mekânsal niteliği artırmış, kullanıcı profilini değiştirmiş; ancak, Hamamarkası Bölgesinin gündelik hayatında köklü değişimlere neden olmuştur: Yeni yaşama adapte olunamamış, yeni yerleşenlerle bölge halkı birbirlerine alışamamışlardır. Fiziksel ve işlevsel değişimin yüksek rant; konut satış değerlerindeki yüksek artış, konut sahiplerinin evlerini satmalarına; kira bedellerindeki artış yıllardır kirada oturanların bölgeyi terk etmelerine neden olmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hamamarkası, Sağlıklaştırma, Konak, Mekânsal Değişim, Gündelik Yaşam
This thesis discusses both spatial modifications resulted from project which include to rise standards in constructions in Hamamarkası one of the area of Altındağ district of Ankara and effect of spatial modification on daily life. Hamamarkası one of the historical district of Ankara which witnessed important events of the early Republican period became outdated after a while and transform into slum district with high crime rate. Standards of this area have been being increased since 2008 by restoration of slums, traditional mansions, historical houses and streets. In order to do this, some slums have been converted to mansions, mansions have been restored as re-housing or opened for use with distinct functions and most of the slums were demolished to build new residential dwellings. When residential dwellings influence people lifestyles, mutually lifestyles alter the living spaces. The goal of this thesis is to examine the interaction between new residential dwellings and daily life, in other words, the effect of changing dwellings on lifestyles before restoration and the impacts of existing lifestyles on new residential dwellings. In order to reach the aim of thesis, spatial shaping of houses (slums and mansions) before restoration and spatial shaping of houses with lifestyles (renovated shanty houses, functional changing mansions and newly constructed houses) were investigated. Spatial analysis was carried out by obtaining housing plans and by making a relief of the slums; the information and data obtained from the municipality was supported by on-site research and observation; residents living in both improved residential dwellings and outdated residential dwellings were interviewed. Improved spaces and unimproved spaces were compared via the assessment of all data. As a result of comparison, it was determined that although new residences provide high quality spatial facilities, they do not change the existing lifestyles and old habits ,on the contrary, new dwellings have been transformed to according to old versions. Physical improvement undoubtedly increased spatial quality and changed user profile ,but it caused to major changes in daily life of people living in Hamamarkası district. People could not be adapted to new life, the new settlers and people of the region could not get used to each other. Physical and functional change of this area led to high rent, the high increase in the value of housing sales, the owners of houses to sell their homes. In addition; the increase in rental prices caused the residents to leave the region. Key Words: Hamamarkası, İmprovement, Mansion, Spatial Modification, Daily Life
This thesis discusses both spatial modifications resulted from project which include to rise standards in constructions in Hamamarkası one of the area of Altındağ district of Ankara and effect of spatial modification on daily life. Hamamarkası one of the historical district of Ankara which witnessed important events of the early Republican period became outdated after a while and transform into slum district with high crime rate. Standards of this area have been being increased since 2008 by restoration of slums, traditional mansions, historical houses and streets. In order to do this, some slums have been converted to mansions, mansions have been restored as re-housing or opened for use with distinct functions and most of the slums were demolished to build new residential dwellings. When residential dwellings influence people lifestyles, mutually lifestyles alter the living spaces. The goal of this thesis is to examine the interaction between new residential dwellings and daily life, in other words, the effect of changing dwellings on lifestyles before restoration and the impacts of existing lifestyles on new residential dwellings. In order to reach the aim of thesis, spatial shaping of houses (slums and mansions) before restoration and spatial shaping of houses with lifestyles (renovated shanty houses, functional changing mansions and newly constructed houses) were investigated. Spatial analysis was carried out by obtaining housing plans and by making a relief of the slums; the information and data obtained from the municipality was supported by on-site research and observation; residents living in both improved residential dwellings and outdated residential dwellings were interviewed. Improved spaces and unimproved spaces were compared via the assessment of all data. As a result of comparison, it was determined that although new residences provide high quality spatial facilities, they do not change the existing lifestyles and old habits ,on the contrary, new dwellings have been transformed to according to old versions. Physical improvement undoubtedly increased spatial quality and changed user profile ,but it caused to major changes in daily life of people living in Hamamarkası district. People could not be adapted to new life, the new settlers and people of the region could not get used to each other. Physical and functional change of this area led to high rent, the high increase in the value of housing sales, the owners of houses to sell their homes. In addition; the increase in rental prices caused the residents to leave the region. Key Words: Hamamarkası, İmprovement, Mansion, Spatial Modification, Daily Life
İç Mimari ve Dekorasyon, Interior Design and Decoration
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