Margaret Atwood'un Surfacing ve Doris Lessing'ın The Cleft Başlıklı Eserlerinin Ekofeminist Yaklaşımla İncelenmesi
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Bu tez, Margaret Atwood'un Surfacing ve Doris Lessing'in The Cleft adlı eserlerindeki kadın, doğa ve ataerkillik arasındaki ilişkiyi ekofeminist yaklaşımla incelemektir. Bu çalışma, kadına ve çevreye karşı kötü muameleleri birlikte ele alarak, ataerkil yapıların bu koşulları nasıl meydana getirdiğini ele alır. Ekofeminizm kadının ve çevrenin değersizleştirilmesi arasında bir paralellik olduğunu ileri sürer. Bu çalışma ekofeminizmin tarihsel gelişimini ve bu kuramın dayandığı ilkeleri inceler. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda ekofeminizm ile benzer ideolojik özellikler taşıyan feminizm ve ekokritisizm gibi kuramlar arasındaki bağlantıları da ele alır. Bu çalışma ataerkil güçlerin ve yapıların, erkekleri kayırmak amacıyla yapılan çarpıtılmış kültürel değişimlerin sonucu olduğunu ortaya koyar. Bu güçler ve yapılar, erkeklerin daima kadın ve çevreye göre öncelikli olduğunu vurgular. Bu ataerkil benmerkezcilik kadın ve çevrenin istismar edilmesine yol açmaktadır. Üzerinde çalışılan iki roman karşılaştırmalı bir platformda ele alınmıştır ve bu romanlarda kadın, doğa ve ataerkillik gösterimlerinin arasında benzerlikler olduğu keşfedilmiştir. Ataerkillik üzerinde çalışılan bu romanlarda benzer araçları kullanarak kadın ve çevreyi istismar etmektedir. Bu çalışma ataerkil yapıların kadın ve çevreye saygı duyacak bir biçimde yeniden yapılandırılması gerekliliğini vurgulayan ekofeminist yaklaşımın sözü geçen romanlarda nasıl yansıtıldığını ortaya koymaktadır.
This thesis investigates the relationship between women, nature and patriarchy in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing and Doris Lessing's The Cleft with reference to the ecofeminist approach .The study interlocks the mistreatment of women and the mistreatment of environment, and interrogates patriarchal structures that create and reinforce such a condition. Ecofeminism argues that there is a parallelism between the debasement of women and the debasement of the environment. The study traces the historical development of ecofeminism and discusses the principles upon which it is founded. It also discusses the interconnections between ecofeminism and other theories that have similar ideological commonalities with it such as feminism and ecocriticism. The study discovers that patriarchal forces and structures are products of cultural permutations that have been skewed to favour men. These forces and structures always consider men first in their relation with the other (women and environment). This patriarchal self-centeredness leads to the abuse of both women and the environment. The two novels under study are placed on a comparative platform, and the discovery is that there are similarities in the representation of women, nature and patriarchy in the novels. Patriarchy uses similar tools in the novels under study to abuse women and environment. This study portrays the ecofeminist way of reconstructing patriarchal structures to respect women and the environment in the above mentioned novels.
This thesis investigates the relationship between women, nature and patriarchy in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing and Doris Lessing's The Cleft with reference to the ecofeminist approach .The study interlocks the mistreatment of women and the mistreatment of environment, and interrogates patriarchal structures that create and reinforce such a condition. Ecofeminism argues that there is a parallelism between the debasement of women and the debasement of the environment. The study traces the historical development of ecofeminism and discusses the principles upon which it is founded. It also discusses the interconnections between ecofeminism and other theories that have similar ideological commonalities with it such as feminism and ecocriticism. The study discovers that patriarchal forces and structures are products of cultural permutations that have been skewed to favour men. These forces and structures always consider men first in their relation with the other (women and environment). This patriarchal self-centeredness leads to the abuse of both women and the environment. The two novels under study are placed on a comparative platform, and the discovery is that there are similarities in the representation of women, nature and patriarchy in the novels. Patriarchy uses similar tools in the novels under study to abuse women and environment. This study portrays the ecofeminist way of reconstructing patriarchal structures to respect women and the environment in the above mentioned novels.
İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, Atwood, Margaret, Edebiyat, Ekofeminizm, English Linguistics and Literature, Atwood, Margaret, Feminizm, Literature, Ecofeminism, Lessing, Doris, Feminism, Roman, Lessing, Doris, Novel, İngiliz edebiyatı, English literature
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