Mimarın fikri hakları

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Started in 2003 with 21 students, the Atılım University School of Law has so far graduated over 1700 students, and currently offers education for more than 1300 students. With the aim stressed by our Founding Dean Prof. Dr. Nami Çağan, we grant students with the background that allows them to access and evaluate information, rather than overloading them with information dumps during our education and training in the field of law. With a curriculum prepared with this approach and our mission in mind, we aim to graduate our students as actual legal experts who have internalized ethical rules, who are knowledgeable in terms of rules and institutions; and who are cultured, versatile, broad-visioned and inquisitive. In addition to basic courses in law conducted by our academic staff as pioneers of their field with respect to these principles, elective courses are available pursuant to current events such as those in mediation for legal disagreements, law and women, sports law, informatics law, media law and legal English; as well as law clinics to offer effective and interactive education. In addition, graduate and doctorate degree programs, alongside certificate programs such as those to train experts, peace-makers, mediators, and trustees in composition, are underway. A member of the European Law Faculties Association (ELFA), our School offers international relations and events, the Erasmus+ program, national and international fictional court contests, law and art days prepared by our student networks, or career forums in law to collaborate in the personal development of our students.

Journal Issue


Bu çalışmanın konusunu 'Mimarın Fikri Haklarını' oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, mimarın fikri hakları 5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu kapsamında değerlendirilmiştir. Fikri haklar, Avrupa'da matbaa makinesinin icadı ile hukuken korunmaya başlamıştır. Mimarlığın, tarihteki en eski mesleklerden olmasına rağmen; mimarların fikri çalışmalarını ortaya koyarak meydana getirdikleri eserlerin korunması on dokuzuncu yüzyıldan itibaren söz konusu olmuştur. Çalışmamızın birinci bölümünde genel olarak fikri mülkiyet kavramı incelenmiş, sınai mülkiyet hakkı ve türleri ile hem Türk hukuku hem de uluslararası hukukta fikri mülkiyet haklarının tarihsel gelişimi açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölümde ise, eser kavramı, FSEK kapsamında eser sayılabilmenin unsurları ile mimari eser türleri incelenmiştir. Mimarın meydana getirdiği eserler üzerinde bulunan mali ve manevi haklar çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiş ve Yargıtay kararlarına yer verilmiştir. Mimari eserler üzerinde bulunan mali ve/ veya manevi haklara saldırı olması halinde mimarın başvurabileceği hukuki yollar çalışmamızın dördüncü bölümünde incelenmiştir. Çalışmamızda hukuk davaları, kusur ve zarar koşulu gerektiren ve kusur ve zarar koşulu gerektirmeyen davalar olarak ikiye ayrılarak incelenmiş ve ilgili Yargıtay kararlarına yer verilmiştir.
The subject of this study is, intellectual property rights of the architect based on Law no. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. With the invention of the printing press in Europe, intellectual property rights began to be protected. Although architecture is one of the oldest professions in history, the preservation of the works created by architects by revealing their intellectual works has been in question since the nineteenth century. In the first part of our study, the term of intellectual property is examined in general, industrial property right and its types and the historical development of intellectual property rights in both Turkish and international law are explained. In the second part, the concept of work, the elements of being considered a work within the scope of FSEK and the types of architectural works are examined. The economic and moral rights on the architectural works are analyzed in detail including the decisions of the Court of Appeals in the third part of our study. In case of an attack on the economic and/or moral rights on the architectural works, the legal ways that the architect can appeal to are examined in the fourth part of our study. In our study the civil cases are divided into two as cases that require fault and damage and those that do not require fault and damage, and the relevant Court of Appeals decisions about the cases are included.



Hukuk, Davalar, Eser sahibi, Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu, Fikri ve sınai mülkiyet hakları, Law, Cases, Mali haklar, Ownership work, Mimari eserler, Intellectual and Artistic Work Law, Intellectual and industrial property rights, Mimarlar, Fiscal rights, Architectural works, Sanat eserleri, Architects, Çoğaltma hakkı, Artistic works, Reproduction right, İşlenme eser, Intellectual works

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