Eastern male image in contemporary oriental media: The novel and movie of The Lustful Turk

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IGI Global

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Department of Social Sciences for University wide Courses
Our department offers compulsory courses “Turkish Language” and “Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution” as envisaged by the Council of Higher Education as well as History of Civilization course to all the students at our university. Along with these compulsory courses, the department offers general elective courses comprising subjects such as social responsibility tasks, Women studies, culture and history. The purpose of compulsory Principles of Ataturk and History of Turkish Revolution course is to introduce and convey the foundation and fundamental values of the Republic of Turkey to the new generations and the objective of Turkish Language course is to study on our language with modern methods within the scope of the subjects such as language, literature, culture etc.

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When the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century was at the peak of its power, British and French merchants who came to Istanbul were writing so-called memories of harems to their homeland, and these letters composed the image of Eastern male in Orientalism and details of Muslim male image, which was one of the most important prototypes. The details which were written by non-Muslims who had no chance to even come near to Sultan's private life, recounted a period of literature to politics. Moreover, Muslim males who were called "not lustful Turk" in the past also have to face some kind of vexatious accusations today because of this created identity. In the same year, the producers proposed that The Lustful Turk movie had a big budget and an ambitious project; they were trying to affect potential audience. In this study, The Lustful Turk's novel segments and the movie are analyzed in detail to understand toplevel racist accusations to Eastern male image, especially the Turkish one. Also, contemporary media approaches will be evaluated from Edward Said's point of view. © 2021, IGI Global.



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Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches to Orientalism in Media and Beyond



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