Afganistan'da Taliban'ın yükselişi
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Taliban, 1994 yılında İslami köktendinci bir özelliğe sahip devrimci bir cihatçı grup olarak ortaya çıktı ve Afganistan İslam Emirliği'ni 1996'dan 2001'e kadar kurdu ve bu sadece Pakistan, Suudi Arabistan ve Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri tarafından kabul edildi. Zamanla, Sovyet-Afgan savaşının kurtarıcısı, Afganistan'ın temizleyicileri olarak ortaya çıkmalarından bu yana pek çok farklı rol oynadılar. yıllar geçti, kötü taraflarını gösterdiler ve insanlar tarafından benimsenmeyen aşırı bir İslam versiyonunu uygulamaya başladılar. Yine de, El Kaide ile bağlantı kurana ve İslam'ın Selefi mezhebinin etkisi altına girene, İslam'ı uygulama şekillerini değiştirene ve Şeriat Yasasının aşırı bir versiyonunu takip edene kadar beş yıl ülkeyi yönetmeye devam ettiler. Taliban'ın çöküşü, 11 Eylül saldırılarının baş şüphelisi olan Usame Bin Ladin'i teslim etmeyi reddettiklerinle başladı; Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve müttefikleri 2001 yılında Afganistan'a baskın düzenledi ve Taliban İslam Emirliği'ni kınayarak Taliban'ı iktidardan uzaklaştırdı. Taliban'ın yenilgisinden sonra ABD dikkatini Irak'a çevirdi ve bu durum, şimdiye kadar devam eden Afgan isyanının ayrılmaz bir parçası haline gelen neo-Taliban olarak yeniden örgütlenen ve yeniden şekillenen Taliban'ın yeniden ortaya çıkmasıyla sonuçlandı. ülkeyi son 16 yıldır devam eden terör ve isyanın çekirdek merkezi haline getirmek. Afganistan'da İslami bir hükümet olan ilk ideoloji ve motivasyonlarının aksine, Afganistan'ın ABD ve müttefikleri tarafından işgal edilen bir ülke olduğunu iddia ediyorlar, yabancı güçler Afganistan'dan tamamen çekilinceye kadar savaşmaya devam ediyorlar. Anahtar Sözcükler: Taliban, Madrese, Mucahidin Yeni Taliban, Afgan Barış Süreci
The Taliban emerged as a revolutionary Jihadist group with an Islamic fundamentalist feature in 1994, establishing the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, which was only recognized by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Over time, they have played many different roles since their emergence after the Soviet-Afghan war beginning as the savior, purifiers of Afghanistan, which primarily the people believed that they actually brought justice and stability to the war-torn country, but as long as years passed, they shown their nasty side and started executing an extreme version of Islam which did not happen to be embraced by the people. Nevertheless, they continued to rule the country five years until they linked up with Al Qaeda and came under the influence of the Salafi sect of Islam, changing their way of practicing Islam and following an extreme version of Sharia Law. The Taliban's descent started when they denied surrendering Osama Bin Laden, the prime suspect of the 9/11 attacks; the United States and its allies in 2001 raided Afghanistan and removed the Taliban from the power, denouncing the Islamic Emirates of Taliban. After the defeat of the Taliban, the United States turned its attention to Iraq, which resulted to the reemergence of the Taliban who re-organized and reshaped as the neo-Taliban which have become an integral part of the Afghan insurgency that has continued till now, turning the country into the core center of the terrorism and insurgency which has been continued for the last 16 years. In contrast to their initial ideology and motivation, which was an Islamic government in Afghanistan, they claim that Afghanistan is an occupied country by the United States and its allies, they continue their fight until the full withdraw of foreign forces from Afghanistan. Keywords: Taliban, Madrasa, Mujahedeen, Neo-Taliban, Afghan Peace Process
The Taliban emerged as a revolutionary Jihadist group with an Islamic fundamentalist feature in 1994, establishing the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, which was only recognized by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Over time, they have played many different roles since their emergence after the Soviet-Afghan war beginning as the savior, purifiers of Afghanistan, which primarily the people believed that they actually brought justice and stability to the war-torn country, but as long as years passed, they shown their nasty side and started executing an extreme version of Islam which did not happen to be embraced by the people. Nevertheless, they continued to rule the country five years until they linked up with Al Qaeda and came under the influence of the Salafi sect of Islam, changing their way of practicing Islam and following an extreme version of Sharia Law. The Taliban's descent started when they denied surrendering Osama Bin Laden, the prime suspect of the 9/11 attacks; the United States and its allies in 2001 raided Afghanistan and removed the Taliban from the power, denouncing the Islamic Emirates of Taliban. After the defeat of the Taliban, the United States turned its attention to Iraq, which resulted to the reemergence of the Taliban who re-organized and reshaped as the neo-Taliban which have become an integral part of the Afghan insurgency that has continued till now, turning the country into the core center of the terrorism and insurgency which has been continued for the last 16 years. In contrast to their initial ideology and motivation, which was an Islamic government in Afghanistan, they claim that Afghanistan is an occupied country by the United States and its allies, they continue their fight until the full withdraw of foreign forces from Afghanistan. Keywords: Taliban, Madrasa, Mujahedeen, Neo-Taliban, Afghan Peace Process
Siyasal Bilimler, Tarih, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Political Science, Afganistan, History, International Relations, Taliban, Afghanistan, İslami devlet, Taliban, Islamic state, İslami ideoloji, Islamic ideology
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