Mobbing'in örgütsel bağlılık üzerindeki etkisi: Kamu sektöründen bir örnek
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Bu çalışmada, örgütün olmazsa olmazı insan faktörüyle ilgili, çağımız örgütlerinin başarısının ve devamlılığının asli unsurlarından ?Örgütsel Bağlılığın?; örgütleri içten içe kemirip çalışanları işlevsizleştirip, bir virüs gibi hareket eden ?Mobbing? ile ilişkisi ele alınmıştır.Öncelikle ?Mobbing? kavramıyla ilgili, ontolojik ve epistemolojik literatür taraması yapılıp, neticeler derlenerek sunulmuş, ardından aynı bakış açısıyla ?Örgütsel Bağlılık? kavramı ele alınmıştır.Çalışmanın alan çalışması kısmında ise; Muğla ili Milas ve Yatağan ilçelerindeki bazı kamu kurumlarında çalışanlara 1000 adet Anket formu dağıtılmış, 168 dönüşün tamamının irdelenmesiyle mobbing ve bağlılık arasında negatif anlamlı ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir.Son aşamada ise; tespit edilen negatif ilişkilerden hareketle, mobbingle mücadele ederek bağlılığın arttırılabileceğine ya da bağlılıkla ilgili çalışmaların mobbing riskini azaltacağına yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the term that is the sine quo non of the organization ?Organizational Adherence?, which is one of the priciple components of organizational success and contiunity and the term `Mobbing? which gnaws the organization stealthily and makes the employees unfunctional like a virus effect.First of all we made an ontological and epistemological literature search and presented the selected results. After that, from the same point of view we evaluated the concept `Organizational Adherence?In the field investigation part of the study; we distributed 1000 questionnaire forms to the employees of some public organizations in Muğla city?s Milas and Yatağan counties. We evaluated 168 questionnaires that return to us and we established the significant negative correlation in between mobbing and adherence.Finally; using the knowledge of this significant negative correlation between these terms, we could give some advices on the subject of increasing the adherence by struggling with mobbing and also doing studies on the term of adherence, could decrease the risk of mobbing.
In this study, we evaluated the relationship between the term that is the sine quo non of the organization ?Organizational Adherence?, which is one of the priciple components of organizational success and contiunity and the term `Mobbing? which gnaws the organization stealthily and makes the employees unfunctional like a virus effect.First of all we made an ontological and epistemological literature search and presented the selected results. After that, from the same point of view we evaluated the concept `Organizational Adherence?In the field investigation part of the study; we distributed 1000 questionnaire forms to the employees of some public organizations in Muğla city?s Milas and Yatağan counties. We evaluated 168 questionnaires that return to us and we established the significant negative correlation in between mobbing and adherence.Finally; using the knowledge of this significant negative correlation between these terms, we could give some advices on the subject of increasing the adherence by struggling with mobbing and also doing studies on the term of adherence, could decrease the risk of mobbing.
İşletme, Bağlılık, Kamu kuruluşları, Business Administration, Commitment, Kamu sektörü, Public institutions, Mobbing, Public sector, Mobbing, Örgütsel bağlılık, Organizational commitment
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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