Creep and Shrinkage Behavior of High-Strength Concrete and Minimum Reinforcement Ratio for Bridge Columns

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Civil Engineering
The Atılım University Department of Civil Engineering was founded in 2000 as a pioneer for the Departments of Civil Engineering among the foundation schools of Ankara. It offers education in English. The Department of Civil Engineering has an academic staff qualified in all areas of the education offered. In addition to a high level of academic learning that benefits from learning opportunities through practice at its seven laboratories, the Department also offers a Cooperative Education program conducted in cooperation with renowned organizations in the construction sector. Accredited by MÜDEK (Association of Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs) (in 2018), our Department has been granted the longest period of accreditation to ever achieve through the association (six years). The accreditation is recognized by ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education), and other international accreditation boards.

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This paper summarizes the findings of an extensive research program that examined the shrinkage and creep behavior of high-strength concrete (HSC) up to a strength of 18 ksi (124 MPa). Creep and shrinkage strains of 60 specimens were monitored for up to two years. The variables considered in this investigation were the concrete compressive strength, specimen size, curing type, age of concrete at loading, and loading stress level. Research findings indicate that the current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications could be used to estimate the creep coefficient and shrinkage strain of HSC up to 15 ksi (103 MPa). However, the current AASHTO LRFD specifications do not provide appropriate predictions for concrete compressive strength greater than 15 ksi (103 MPa). A revised time-development correction factor is proposed to obtain better predictions for HSC up to 18 ksi (124 MPa). For HSC compression members, the current AASHTO LRFD specifications require an excessive amount of minimum longitudinal reinforcement to account for the long-term effects due to shrinkage and creep. Based on an analysis, a new relationship is proposed for the required minimum reinforcement ratio.


Mirmiran, Amir/0000-0002-4601-0883; Mertol, Halit/0000-0001-8058-5798


Column, creep, high-strength concrete, longitudinal reinforcement ratio, shrinkage

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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