Türk diplomasisinin modernleşmesi; Türk-İngiliz diplomatik ilişkileri (1923-1939)
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Osmanlı Devleti, 18.YY sonu ve 19. YY'da, devletin çöküşünü engellemek amacıyla ciddi bir modernleşme sürecine girmiştir. Yönetici sınıfı olan bürokratik elit, politika, eğitim, bürokrasi ve diplomasi gibi konularda Osmanlı Devleti'ni modernleştirmeye çalışmıştır. III. Selim Döneminde diplomatik açıdan büyük bir yenilik yapan Osmanlı Devleti, ilk daimî temsilciliğini 1793 yılında Londra'da açmıştır. 1793'ten sonra da diplomatik modernleşmeye büyük önem veren Osmanlı, bu konuyla ilgili birçok yenilik yapmıştır. Osmanlı Devleti'nin çöküşünü engellemeye çalışan bürokratik elit başarılı olamamış ve Osmanlı Devleti I. Dünya Savaşının ardından resmen yıkılmıştır. Ardından başlayan milli mücadele ve yeni kurulan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti de tıpkı Osmanlı Devleti gibi birçok konuda modernleşme çabası içine girmiştir. Atatürk döneminde çağa uyum sağlamak ve muasır medeniyetler seviyesine çıkmak için birçok konuda batı devletleri örnek alınmıştır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti kurulduğu yıldan itibaren Türk- İngiliz ilişkilerine oldukça önem vermiş ve seçkin diplomatlarını Londra'da bulunan Büyükelçilik bünyesine göndermiştir. I. Dünya savaşı sonrası iki devletin ikili ilişkileri gerginliklerle devam etmiş fakat 1930'lu yılların ortalarından itibaren dostluğa dönüşmeyi başarmıştır. Türk- İngiliz ilişkilerinin dostluğa dönüşmesinde diplomatların rolünü inceleyen bu çalışmada ayrıca Osmanlı döneminden itibaren başlayan ve bilhassa Türkiye Cumhuriyeti döneminde de devam eden diplomatik modernleşme ele alınmıştır. İkincil literatür taraması yöntemiyle hazırlanan bu çalışmada teori olarak; İnkeles'in modernleşme kuramı tercih edilmiştir.
The Ottoman State endered into a serious modernization process in the late 18th and 19th centruries in order to prevent the collapse of the state. The bureaucracy and diplomacy. III. The Ottoman Empire, which made a great diplomatic innavation during the Selim Period, opened its first permanent repsentation in London in 1793. Ottoman, who gave great importance to diplomatic modernization after 1793, made many innavitons on this subject. The bureaucratic elite, trying to prevent the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, could not be successfull and the Ottoman State was officially destroyed after the First World War. The national struggle that followed and the newly established Rebuplic of Turkey, just like Ottoman Empire, made an effort to modernize in many subjects. In order to adapt to the era and rise to the level of contemporary civilizations in the Ataturk period, western states were taken as an example in many subjects. The Republic of Turkey has attached great importance to Turkısh- British relations since its establishment and sent its distinguished diplomats to the Embassy in London. After World War I, the bilateral relations of the two states continued with tensions, but they managed to turn into friendship from the middle of the 1930s. In this study, which examines the role of diplomats in the transformation of Turkish- British relations into frendship, diplomatic modernization, which started from the Ottoman periof and continued in the period of the Turkish Republic, is also discussed. As a theory in this study prepared with secondary search method; Inkeles' modernization theory was preffered.
The Ottoman State endered into a serious modernization process in the late 18th and 19th centruries in order to prevent the collapse of the state. The bureaucracy and diplomacy. III. The Ottoman Empire, which made a great diplomatic innavation during the Selim Period, opened its first permanent repsentation in London in 1793. Ottoman, who gave great importance to diplomatic modernization after 1793, made many innavitons on this subject. The bureaucratic elite, trying to prevent the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, could not be successfull and the Ottoman State was officially destroyed after the First World War. The national struggle that followed and the newly established Rebuplic of Turkey, just like Ottoman Empire, made an effort to modernize in many subjects. In order to adapt to the era and rise to the level of contemporary civilizations in the Ataturk period, western states were taken as an example in many subjects. The Republic of Turkey has attached great importance to Turkısh- British relations since its establishment and sent its distinguished diplomats to the Embassy in London. After World War I, the bilateral relations of the two states continued with tensions, but they managed to turn into friendship from the middle of the 1930s. In this study, which examines the role of diplomats in the transformation of Turkish- British relations into frendship, diplomatic modernization, which started from the Ottoman periof and continued in the period of the Turkish Republic, is also discussed. As a theory in this study prepared with secondary search method; Inkeles' modernization theory was preffered.
Kamu Yönetimi, Siyasal Bilimler, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Diplomasi, Public Administration, Modernleşme, Political Science, Türk dış politikası, International Relations, Diplomacy, Türk-İngiliz ilişkileri, Modernization, Turkish foreign policy, Türkiye, Turkish English relations, Uluslararası ilişkiler, Türkiye, International relations, Uluslararası politika, International policy
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