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Günümüzde iş hukukunun tartıştığı birçok sorun veya kavram, günlük yaşamımıza olduğu kadar çalışma yaşamına çok katmanlı bir şekilde entegre olmuş, Endüstri 4.0 uygulamaları kapsamında ele alınan yapay zeka nedeniyle gündeme gelmektedir. Bu teknolojilerin çalışma yaşamında kullanılma biçimleri, ortaya çıkan hukuka aykırılıklarda işçinin veya işverenin hukuki veya cezai sorumluluğunun tespitinde belli zorluklar gündeme getirmektedir. Katıldığımız kavramlaştırmaya göre yapay zeka, makine öğrenme ve derin öğrenmeye dayalı olarak, akıl yürütme ve zeka ile ilişkilendirilen bilişsel yeteneklerin, bir bilişim sistemi tarafından kullanılması ve düşünsel bir içerik, tahmin, öneri ya da karar ortaya çıkarmasıdır. Yapay zekanın kullanılma amacı ve bilişsel yeteneklerine göre zayıf veya güçlü yapay zeka; dar, genel veya süper yapay zeka; analitik, insandan ilham alan veya insansı yapay zeka; otonom veya otonom olmayan yapay zeka olarak sınıflandırılması mümkündür. Bu sınıflandırma aynı zamanda yapay zekanın kişiliğe ve kişilik hakkına ya da hukuki ve cezai sorumluluğa sahip olup olmadığı tartışmasında önem taşımaktadır. Yapay zeka alanında genellikle yumuşak hukuk kuralları benimsenmektedir. Türkiye ise 2025'e kadar uygulanacak olan Ulusal Yapay Zeka Stratejisi haricinde yapay zekaya ilişkin bir hukuk politikası geliştirmemiştir. Yapay zeka iş ilişkilerinde işe alımlarda, iş ilişkisinin devamında ve sona ermesinde kullanılmaktadır. Bu gelişmeler çalışmada algoritmik yönetim ve Hizmet Olarak Yapay Zeka (AIaaS) kavramları içerisinde incelenmektedir. İş ilişkisinin başlangıcında yapay zeka; işe alım ilanları ve aday işçinin bilgilendirmesinde, özgeçmiş ve sosyal medya analizlerinde, görüşme ve test analizlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Bu uygulamalar genel olarak ayrımcılığa yol açmakta ve bunun yaptırımlarına tabi olmaktadır. İş ilişkisinin devamında yapay zeka kullanımı; iş organizasyonunun belirlenmesinde, performans değerlendirme sistemlerinde ve izleme yöntemlerinde gündeme gelmektedir. Bu uygulamaların hukuka aykırı sonuçları ise ayrımcılık, işçinin özel yaşamın gizliliği hakkının ihlali, işçinin kişisel verilerin korunması hakkının ihlali ve çalışma koşullarının uygulanmamasıdır. Son olarak iş ilişkisinin sona ermesinde yapay zeka, fesih sebeplerinin tespiti ve otomatik fesihte kullanılır. Hukuka aykırı fesihler, iş güvencesine tabiiyet ve iş sözleşmesinin türüne göre iş hukuku bakımından farklı hüküm ve sonuçlara tabidir. Türk iş hukukunda yapay zekanın beraberinde getirdiği hukuki sorunları çözümlemek için ise (i) algoritmik ayrımcılığa ilişkin olarak sistemik ayrımcılık yaklaşımı benimsenmeli, (ii) algoritmik yönetime özgülenmiş işyeri kurulları oluşturulmalı, (iii) KVKK md. 11/1(g) hükmü otomatik ve yarı otomatik karar alma süreçlerini içerecek şekilde daha güvenceli hâle getirilmeli ve (iv) işverenin yapay zeka kullanımından doğan sorumluluğu kurutuluş kanıtı getirme imkanı tanıyan kusursuz sorumluluğa veya uygun illiyet bağı karinesi gibi ispat kolaylığı sağlanan kusur sorumluluğuna dayanacak şekilde açık düzenlemeye kavuşturulmalıdır.
Many issues and concepts debated in contemporary labor law have become prominent due to practices related with artificial intelligence, which is deployed within the scope of Industry 4.0 and have been intricately integrated into our working lives. The ways these technologies are used in the workplace present certain challenges in determining the legal or criminal liability of the employee or employer. According to the conceptualization we adhere to, artificial intelligence involves the use of cognitive skills associated with reasoning and intelligence by an information system, based on machine learning and deep learning; to produce intellectual content, predictions, suggestions, or decisions. Depending on the purpose and cognitive skills of artificial intelligence, it can be classified as weak or strong AI; narrow, general, or super AI; analytic, human-inspired or human-like AI; and autonomous or non-autonomous AI. This classification is also significant in the discussion of whether artificial intelligence possesses personality and personality rights, or legal and criminal responsibility. In the field of artificial intelligence, generally soft law rules are adopted. Apart from the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, which will be implemented until 2025, Turkey has not developed a legal policy regarding this topic. Artificial intelligence is used in employment relationships during hiring, the continuation, and termination of the employment relationship. These developments are examined under the concepts of algorithmic management and Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS). At the beginning of the employment relationship, artificial intelligence is used in job advertisements and informing prospective employees, analyzing resumes and social media, and conducting interview and test analyses. These practices generally lead to discrimination and are subject to labour law sanctions. During the continuation of the employment relationship, the use of artificial intelligence arises in determining work organization, performance evaluation systems, and surveillance methods. The unlawful outcomes of these practices include discrimination, violation of the employee's right to privacy, violation of the employee's right to personal data protection, and non-implementation of working conditions. Finally, at the termination of the employment relationship, artificial intelligence is used in determining the reasons for termination and in automatic termination. Each practice is subject to different provisions and outcomes in terms of labor law, based on the type of employment contracts and whether employment security it applicable or not. In order to resolve legal issues stemming from artificial intelligence in Turkish labour law; (i) systemic discrimination approach should be adopted in algorithmic discrimination, (ii) works councils dedicated to algorithmic management should be established, (iii) Art. 11/1(g) of KVKK should be changed and rendered more secure to include automatic and semi-automatic decision-making processes, and (iv) employer's liability should be regulated either via strict liability rules or by fault-based liability where there are certain tools for provability, such as presumption of causality.
Many issues and concepts debated in contemporary labor law have become prominent due to practices related with artificial intelligence, which is deployed within the scope of Industry 4.0 and have been intricately integrated into our working lives. The ways these technologies are used in the workplace present certain challenges in determining the legal or criminal liability of the employee or employer. According to the conceptualization we adhere to, artificial intelligence involves the use of cognitive skills associated with reasoning and intelligence by an information system, based on machine learning and deep learning; to produce intellectual content, predictions, suggestions, or decisions. Depending on the purpose and cognitive skills of artificial intelligence, it can be classified as weak or strong AI; narrow, general, or super AI; analytic, human-inspired or human-like AI; and autonomous or non-autonomous AI. This classification is also significant in the discussion of whether artificial intelligence possesses personality and personality rights, or legal and criminal responsibility. In the field of artificial intelligence, generally soft law rules are adopted. Apart from the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, which will be implemented until 2025, Turkey has not developed a legal policy regarding this topic. Artificial intelligence is used in employment relationships during hiring, the continuation, and termination of the employment relationship. These developments are examined under the concepts of algorithmic management and Artificial Intelligence as a Service (AIaaS). At the beginning of the employment relationship, artificial intelligence is used in job advertisements and informing prospective employees, analyzing resumes and social media, and conducting interview and test analyses. These practices generally lead to discrimination and are subject to labour law sanctions. During the continuation of the employment relationship, the use of artificial intelligence arises in determining work organization, performance evaluation systems, and surveillance methods. The unlawful outcomes of these practices include discrimination, violation of the employee's right to privacy, violation of the employee's right to personal data protection, and non-implementation of working conditions. Finally, at the termination of the employment relationship, artificial intelligence is used in determining the reasons for termination and in automatic termination. Each practice is subject to different provisions and outcomes in terms of labor law, based on the type of employment contracts and whether employment security it applicable or not. In order to resolve legal issues stemming from artificial intelligence in Turkish labour law; (i) systemic discrimination approach should be adopted in algorithmic discrimination, (ii) works councils dedicated to algorithmic management should be established, (iii) Art. 11/1(g) of KVKK should be changed and rendered more secure to include automatic and semi-automatic decision-making processes, and (iv) employer's liability should be regulated either via strict liability rules or by fault-based liability where there are certain tools for provability, such as presumption of causality.
Hukuk, Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri, Türk iş hukuku, Türk özel hukuku, Law, Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Turkish labor law, Turkish private law
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