Türk İdari Yargılama Hukukunda İptal Davaları Bakımından Davaya Fer'i Müdahale
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Hukukumuzda dava iki taraf sistemi üzerine kurulmuştur. Yapılan yargılama sonucunda verilecek olan hüküm, kural olarak davacı ve davalı tarafla ilgilidir. Fakat çoğu kez, dava konusu olan uyuşmazlıklar, davanın tarafları dışındaki üçüncü kişilerin hukuki durumlarını da olumlu veya olumsuz biçimde etkileyebilir. Bundan dolayı, yargılama usullerine ilişkin kanunlarda, üçüncü kişilerin davaya katılmasına imkân veren hukuki kurumların düzenlenmesi yoluna gidilmiştir. Nitekim, idari yargılama hukukuna ilişkin usûl kurallarını düzenleyen kanun olan, 2577 sayılı İdari Yargılama Usulü Kanunu'nda da ''üçüncü şahısların davaya katılması'' başlığı altında, davanın tarafları dışında yer alanların, kanunda öngörülen şartları sağlaması koşuluyla, davaya müdahale etmelerine imkân verilmiştir. İdari Yargılama Usulü Kanunu, üçüncü kişilerin davaya katılmasına imkân veren kurum olan, fer'i müdahaleyi, münhasıran düzenleme konusu yapmamış ve diğer birçok usûl hukuku kurumu ile birlikte, 6100 sayılı Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu'na yollamada bulunmak suretiyle düzenleme yöntemini tercih etmiştir. Amaçları, ilkeleri ve özellikleri birbirinden farklı olan iki yargılama usulüne ilişkin, farklı iki kanun arasında norm transferinin yapılması teorik açıdan olduğu gibi, uygulamada da birtakım sorunlar yaratmaktadır. Zira, Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu'nda düzenlenen usul kuralları, özel hukuk mantığı içerisinde ve tarafların eşit oldukları var sayılarak özel hukuk uyuşmazlıklarına göre düzenlenmişlerdir. Bütün bu hususların bir yollama ile idari yargılama usulüne dahil edilmesi doğru olmayacaktır. İşte bu bağlamda, çalışmamızın konusu, Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu'nda yer alan fer'i müdahaleye ilişkin hükümlerin, idari yargılama hukukunda, özellikle iptal davaları bakımından, farklılaştırılarak uygulanması sorunudur. Bu bağlamda çalışmada, fer'i müdahaleye ilişkin genel bilgilere yer verilerek, hukukumuzda davaya katılmaya imkân veren benzer hukuki kurumlar ile karşılaştırılması yapılmıştır. Ayrıca fer'i müdahalenin idari yargılama hukukunda uygulanması ve sonuçlarına yönelik olarak, ilgili kurumun, neden medeni yargılama hukukundan, farklılaştırılarak uygulanması gerektiği somutlaştırılacaktır.
In Turkish judicial system court trial of a law suit is based upon exclusively two parties only. Hence any judgement given at the completion of a trial pertains, as a rule, the suitor and the defendant. In most law suits, however, it has been witnessed that the dispute examined within the main case at hand also exerts a positive –or, conversely negative- impact upon the legal stand of the members of a third party other than the two orijinal parties. It is fort his reason that certain amendments have been inserted into the body of the judicial procedural laws by dint of which the third party is entitled to participate in proceedings. As a matter of fact, the 'Law No 2577 on Administrative Judicial Procedure 'declares, under the headline of 'Rules of the participation of the third-party-members in proceedings'; and thus the said law enables the third party members to interfere the case, provided that the legal demands of the law mentioned above are met by them. The 'Law No 2577 on Administrative Judicial Procedure' has so far stayed away from producing a legislation concerning 'secondary intervention' in particular. Instead of taking a step to this end, it preferred to approach the matter by referring to the 'Law No 6100 on Civil Procedure Act' and at some times by referring to various Judicial Law. Since those two laws are entirely different from one another by their respective purposes, principles and spirits; such norm transfer as this one has caused the emergence of problems in both theoretical and practical sense of the word. The rules one finds in 'Code of Civil Procedures'are regulated in accordance with 'private law' logic, based upon the equality of two parties and composed in concern with 'private law' disputes. Therefore the consideration of those issues which are within the scope of 'Administrative Judicial Procedure' merely via such references is not a correct choice of adoption. In view of the applications of secondary intervention in the field of Administrative Law suits and their respective outcomes; this study will proceed to exhibit concretely the reason why there exist necessity of appyling secondary intervention as a unique form of practice which is entirely distinct from Code of Civil Procedures.
In Turkish judicial system court trial of a law suit is based upon exclusively two parties only. Hence any judgement given at the completion of a trial pertains, as a rule, the suitor and the defendant. In most law suits, however, it has been witnessed that the dispute examined within the main case at hand also exerts a positive –or, conversely negative- impact upon the legal stand of the members of a third party other than the two orijinal parties. It is fort his reason that certain amendments have been inserted into the body of the judicial procedural laws by dint of which the third party is entitled to participate in proceedings. As a matter of fact, the 'Law No 2577 on Administrative Judicial Procedure 'declares, under the headline of 'Rules of the participation of the third-party-members in proceedings'; and thus the said law enables the third party members to interfere the case, provided that the legal demands of the law mentioned above are met by them. The 'Law No 2577 on Administrative Judicial Procedure' has so far stayed away from producing a legislation concerning 'secondary intervention' in particular. Instead of taking a step to this end, it preferred to approach the matter by referring to the 'Law No 6100 on Civil Procedure Act' and at some times by referring to various Judicial Law. Since those two laws are entirely different from one another by their respective purposes, principles and spirits; such norm transfer as this one has caused the emergence of problems in both theoretical and practical sense of the word. The rules one finds in 'Code of Civil Procedures'are regulated in accordance with 'private law' logic, based upon the equality of two parties and composed in concern with 'private law' disputes. Therefore the consideration of those issues which are within the scope of 'Administrative Judicial Procedure' merely via such references is not a correct choice of adoption. In view of the applications of secondary intervention in the field of Administrative Law suits and their respective outcomes; this study will proceed to exhibit concretely the reason why there exist necessity of appyling secondary intervention as a unique form of practice which is entirely distinct from Code of Civil Procedures.
Hukuk, Asli müdahale, Davanın ihbarı, Medeni usul hukuku, Müdahale, Üçüncü taraf müdahalesi, İdari Yargılama Usulü Kanunu, Law, Essential interventions, Third party notice, Law of civil procedura, Intervention, Third party intervention, Administrative Procedure Law
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