Hamilton Sistemler için Ortalama Vektör Alanı Metodu

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The Atılım University Department of Mathematics was founded in 2000 and it offers education in English. The Department offers students the opportunity to obtain a certificate in Mathematical Finance or Cryptography, aside from their undergraduate diploma. Our students may obtain a diploma secondary to their diploma in Mathematics with the Double-Major Program; as well as a certificate in their minor alongside their diploma in Mathematics through the Minor Program. Our graduates may pursue a career in academics at universities, as well as be hired in sectors such as finance, education, banking, and informatics. Our Department has been accredited by the evaluation and accreditation organization FEDEK for a duration of 5 years (until September 30th, 2025), the maximum FEDEK accreditation period achievable. Our Department is globally and nationally among the leading Mathematics departments with a program that suits international standards and a qualified academic staff; even more so for the last five years with our rankings in the field rankings of URAP, THE, USNEWS and WEBOFMETRIC.

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Bu tez çalışmasında Hamilton tipindeki başlangıç değer problemlerinin sayısal çözümü için enerji koruyan yöntemler ortaya konulmuş ve analiz edilmiştir. Özel olarak, enerji koruyan yöntemler olarak bilinen ortalama vektör alanı (AVF) ve bölmeli AVF (PAVF) yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Bunlara ek olarak enerji koruyan birleşim (PAVF-C) yöntemi ve toplam (PAVF-P) yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında bahsi geçen enerji koruyan yöntemlerin performanlarını ölçmek için Zakharov sistemi ele alınmıştır. Bu tez ile ilk olarak Zakharov sistemi için enerji koruyan AVF, PAVF, PAVF-C ve PAVF-P yöntemleri oluşturulmuştur. Zakharov sisteminin sayısal çözümünde linear kapalı yöntemler oluşları sebebiyle PAVF ve PAVF-C yöntemlerinin, AVF yöntemine göre kayda değer daha az sürede souç verdiği gösterilmiştir. Ayrıca, PAVF metodunun AVF metodunun aksine Zakharov sisteminin kütle korunumunu da koruduğu gösterilmiştir.
In this thesis, we present and analyze four energy preserving methods for the numerical solution of initial value problems of Hamiltonian type. In particular, the average vector field (AVF) and partitioned AVF (PAVF) methods are used to drive energy preserving methods. In addition to these two energy preserving methods, two energy persevering PAVF composition (PAVF-C) and PAVF plus (AVF-P) methods are presented. The thesis accompanied numerical result for Zakharov system that demonstrate remarkable properties of the proposed energy persevering methods. In this thesis, this is the first time that energy persevering AVF, PAVF, PAVF-C and PAVF-P methods are proposed for Zakharov system. It is shown that PAVF and PAVF-C methods for Zakharov system are linearly implicit methods that have remarkable lower cost than the original AVF method. In addition, we further show that the PAVF methods preserve the mass conservation of the Zakharov system while the AVF method cannot.



Matematik, Mathematics

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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