Obama ve Trump dönemlerinde ABD dış politikasında Çin
Eliküçük Yıldırım, Nilgün
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Çin, 21. yüzyıla ekonomik yükselişinin etkisiyle bir büyük güç olarak giriş yapmıştır. Çin bu yükselişi ile bölgesel ve küresel olarak daha aktif politikalar izlemeye başlamış ve Güney Çin Denizi'nde bir takım egemenlik iddiaları geliştirmiştir. Bu nedenle Başkan Obama, ülkeyi büyük zararlara uğratan Orta Doğu'dan çıkılması ve ekonomik olarak da büyük bir dinamizme sahip olan Asya bölgesine yönelinmesi gerektiğini savunmuştur. Çalışmada bu çerçevede ortaya konulan 'Asya Ekseni Stratejisi'nin diplomatik, ekonomik ve askeri unsurları incelenmiş ve stratejinin başarısı tartışılmıştır. Trump yönetiminde ise ABD'nin dış politikalarının temel motivasyonu Amerikan korumacılığı olmuş ve tek taraflı politikalar izlenmiştir. Obama döneminde Asya-Pasifik'te kurulan ittifak ilişkileri Trump döneminde zarar görmüş ve bölgesel kurumlara gereken özen gösterilmemiştir. Trump'ın Çin'e karşı başlatmış olduğu ticaret savaşı ise ikili ilişkilerdeki en önemli sorunlardan biri haline gelmiştir. Trump'ın bölgede Çin'e karşı bir güvenlik mimarisi oluşturma amacıyla ortaya koymuş olduğu 'Özgür ve Açık Hint-Pasifik Stratejisi' ise bölge ülkeleri ile askeri işbirliğini arttırmıştır. Fakat bu politika Trump'ın 'Önce Amerika' politikası ile uyumsuz olmuş ve müttefikleri belirsizliğe itmiştir. Bu tezde Obama ve Trump'ın Çin'in yükselişini sınırlayabilmek için oluşturduğu politikalar ve bu politikaların temel unsurları incelenmiştir. Obama'nın ekonomik ve askeri alanlarda politikalarının yetersiz kaldığı belirtilirken, Trump'ın ise Amerikan ekonomisini koruma amacı ile başlattığı ticaret savaşının ABD'ye büyük zararlar verdiği açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca 'Asya Ekseni Stratejisi' ve 'Özgür ve Açık Hint-Pasifik Stratejisinin' başarılarının göreceli olduğu ve istenilen sonuçlara ulaşılamadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
China entered the 21st century as a great power with the effect of its economic rise. With this rise, China has started to pursue more active regional and global policies and has developed some sovereignty claims in the South China Sea. Additionally, President Obama advocated that the Middle East, which has caused great damage to the country, should be withdrawn, and the Asian region, which has great economic vitality, should be guided. In the study, the diplomatic, economic, and military elements of the 'Pivot to Asia,' which was put forward in this framework, were examined and the success of the strategy was discussed. In the Trump administration, the main motivation of the USA's foreign policies were American protectionism and unilateral policies were followed. The alliance relations established in the Asia-Pacific during the Obama era were damaged during the Trump era and the regional institutions were not given due attention. The trade war that Trump started against China has become one of the most important problems in bilateral relations. The 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy,' which Trump put forward to create a security architecture against China in the region, has increased military cooperation with the countries of the region. However, this policy was incompatible with Trump's 'America First' policy and pushed the allies into uncertainty. In this thesis, the policies of Obama and Trump aim to limit the rise of China and the basic elements of these policies are examined. While it was stated that Obama's economic and military policies were insufficient, it was announced that the trade war that Trump started to protect the American economy caused great damage to the USA. In addition, it was concluded that the successes of the 'Pivot to Asia Strategy' and the 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy' were relative and the desired results could not be achieved.
China entered the 21st century as a great power with the effect of its economic rise. With this rise, China has started to pursue more active regional and global policies and has developed some sovereignty claims in the South China Sea. Additionally, President Obama advocated that the Middle East, which has caused great damage to the country, should be withdrawn, and the Asian region, which has great economic vitality, should be guided. In the study, the diplomatic, economic, and military elements of the 'Pivot to Asia,' which was put forward in this framework, were examined and the success of the strategy was discussed. In the Trump administration, the main motivation of the USA's foreign policies were American protectionism and unilateral policies were followed. The alliance relations established in the Asia-Pacific during the Obama era were damaged during the Trump era and the regional institutions were not given due attention. The trade war that Trump started against China has become one of the most important problems in bilateral relations. The 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy,' which Trump put forward to create a security architecture against China in the region, has increased military cooperation with the countries of the region. However, this policy was incompatible with Trump's 'America First' policy and pushed the allies into uncertainty. In this thesis, the policies of Obama and Trump aim to limit the rise of China and the basic elements of these policies are examined. While it was stated that Obama's economic and military policies were insufficient, it was announced that the trade war that Trump started to protect the American economy caused great damage to the USA. In addition, it was concluded that the successes of the 'Pivot to Asia Strategy' and the 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy' were relative and the desired results could not be achieved.
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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