Şirketler Hukuku Açısından Spor Anonim Şirketleri

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Özmerzi, Almina
Songur Hacıgüzeller, Damla Gülseren

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Started in 2003 with 21 students, the Atılım University School of Law has so far graduated over 1700 students, and currently offers education for more than 1300 students. With the aim stressed by our Founding Dean Prof. Dr. Nami Çağan, we grant students with the background that allows them to access and evaluate information, rather than overloading them with information dumps during our education and training in the field of law. With a curriculum prepared with this approach and our mission in mind, we aim to graduate our students as actual legal experts who have internalized ethical rules, who are knowledgeable in terms of rules and institutions; and who are cultured, versatile, broad-visioned and inquisitive. In addition to basic courses in law conducted by our academic staff as pioneers of their field with respect to these principles, elective courses are available pursuant to current events such as those in mediation for legal disagreements, law and women, sports law, informatics law, media law and legal English; as well as law clinics to offer effective and interactive education. In addition, graduate and doctorate degree programs, alongside certificate programs such as those to train experts, peace-makers, mediators, and trustees in composition, are underway. A member of the European Law Faculties Association (ELFA), our School offers international relations and events, the Erasmus+ program, national and international fictional court contests, law and art days prepared by our student networks, or career forums in law to collaborate in the personal development of our students.

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ÖZMERZİ, Almina. Türk Ticaret Kanunu Kapsamında Spor Anonim Şirketleri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2024. İnsanlık binlerce yıldır sportif faaliyetlerde bulunmaktadır. Sportif faaliyetler insanlar için hem eğlence hem de bedensel sağlıklarını geliştirmede bir araç halini almıştır. Futbol ise diğer tüm spor branşlarından ayrılmakta ve dünyada en çok takip edilen spor branşı olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Futbol televizyonlarda canlı olarak yayınlanmasıyla birlikte daha büyük kitlelere ulaşmış, adeta bir endüstri halini almıştır. Sporda ve futboldaki bu ticarileşmeyle birlikte spor kulüplerinin örgütlenmesi artmış, değişmeye başlamıştır. Sporda örgütlenmenin artması ve futbol branşının tüm dünyaya yayılarak bir endüstri halini almasıyla birlikte spor kulüplerinde profesyonel yönetim anlayışına duyulan ihtiyaç artmıştır. Kulüpler dernek statüsünde kurulup daha sonra futbol şubelerini daha önce kurulmuş veya kurulacak bir şirkete devrederek bu profesyonel yönetim anlayışına geçmeye çalışmıştır. Ancak bu şekilde bir örgütlenme hem mali açıdan hem de yapısal açıdan birçok probleme neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle müstakil bir spor kanununa duyulan ihtiyaç çerçevesinde 7405 Sayılı Spor Kulüpleri ve Spor Federasyonları Kanunu 26.04.2022 tarihinde yayımlanarak yürürlüğe girmiştir. Anılan kanun ile birlikte spor anonim şirketi kavramına yer verilmiştir. Ancak spor anonim şirketleri hakkında 6102 Sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nda anonim şirketlere ilişkin düzenlemelerden ayrılan düzenlemeler bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Spor Kulüpleri ve Spor Federasyonları Kanunu ile spor anonim şirketleri hakkında getirilen ve Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nda yer alan anonim şirketlere ilişkin hükümlerden farklılık gösteren hükümler incelenecektir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Şirket, Anonim Şirket, Spor Kulüplerinde Şirketleşme, Spor Anonim Şirketi, Spor Kulübü.
ÖZMERZİ, Almina. Sports Joint-Stock Companies in Scope of Turkish Commercial Code, Master's Thesis, Ankara, 2024. Humanity has been engaged in sportive activities for thousands of years. Sportive activities have become a tool for people to improve their entertainment and physical health. Football, on the other hand, separates itself from all other sports branches and comes across as the most followed sports branch in the world. Football has reached a larger audience with its live broadcast on television and has almost become an industry. With the commercialization in sports and football, the organization of sports clubs has increased and started to change. The need for a professional management approach in sports clubs has increased with the growth of organizational structure in sports and the global spread of football as an industry. Sports clubs, which were established as associations, tried to transfer to this management perspective by alienating football branches to a company that has already been established or will be established. However, this sort of organization caused many problems both in financial and structural terms. Therefore, in line with the need for an independent sports law, Law No. 7405 on Sports Clubs and Sports Federations was published and entered into force on 26.04.2022. Nevertheless, there are separate regulations in the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 concerning sports public limited companies, distinct from the regulations for joint-stock companies. With the mentioned law, the concept of a sports joint-stock company was introduced. Therefore, this thesis will examine, regulations on sports joint-stock companies introduced in the Law of Sports Clubs and Sports Federations along with the regulations about joint-stock companies in the Turkish Commercial Code. Keywords: company, joint-stock company, incorporation in sports clubs, sports joint-stock company, sports club.



Hukuk, Law

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