Ti-6al-4v İşlenmesinde Kesme Lokalizasyonu Başlangıcının Tahmini
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Hafif ve enerji tasarrufu sağlayan malzemelerin kullanılması otomotiv, havacılık ve biyomedikal vb. gibi farklı endüstrilerde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Mükemmel kimyasal ve mekanik Ozelliklerinden dolayı önemli bir hafif malzeme olan Ti-6Al-4V titanyum alaşımı, titanyum endüstrisinin çalışma atı olarak bilinir. Yaygın olarak kullanılmasına rağmen, Ti-6Al-4V düşük ısı iletkenliği, çoğu kesici alet malzemesiyle yüksek kimyasal afinitesi, düşük esneklik katsayısı ve kesme sırasında lokalize (tırtıklı) talaşların oluşumu nedeniyle kesilmesi zor bir malzeme olarak bilinir. Daha sonra, talaşlı imalatta tırtıklı talaş oluşumunun ortaya çıkması, işleme kuvvetlerindeki dalgalanmalarla, hızlandırılmış takım aşınmasıyla, yüzey kalitesinin bozulmasıyla, hassasiyetin azalmasıyla ve parçaların tolerans dışı işlenmesiyle sonuçlanacağından büyük önem taşır. Kesme lokalizasyonunun başlangıcını öngörme, talaşı imalat alanındaki en zorlu sorunlardan biridir, yani talaş morfolojisinin sürekli talaştan değişen bir morfolojiye periyodik olarak değiştiği koşulları belirler. Literatürdeki kesme lokalize talaşları ile ilgili konular, Ti-6Al-4V titanyum alaşımının işlenmesi sırasında kesme lokalizasyonu oluşumunun simülasyonu için çeşitli malzeme modellerinin geliştirilmesinde ana itici güç olmuştur. Bununla birlikte, geliştirilen modellerin Ti-6Al-4V işleme sırasında tırtıklı talaş oluşumunun başlangıcını öngörme doğruluğu ve kabiliyeti araştırılmamıştır. Bu tezin amacı, Ti-6Al-4V işleme sırasında tırtıklı talaş oluşumunun başlangıcını tahmin etmek için farklı malzeme modellerinin doğruluğunu değerlendirmektir. Sonlu eleman modellerinin sonuçları işleme kuvvetleri ve talaş morfolojisi açısından deney sonuçları ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Kazma kuvveti kesilmemiş talaş kalınlığı değiştirilerek farklı kesim hızlarında ekstrapolasyon yöntemi kullanılarak elde edilir ve kesme ve itme kuvvetlerini düzeltmek için kullanılır. Düzeltilmiş kesme ve itme kuvvetleri, Coulomb sürtünme katsayısını hesaplamak için kullanılır. Hem belirli hem belirsiz sonlu eleman kodları, deformasyon yumuşaması veya yumuşamasız, hasara sahip veya hasarsız, farklı malzeme modelleriyle kullanılmıştır. Her malzeme modelinin zayıflığı ve gücü, kritik kesme hızı, talaş morfolojisi ve işleme kuvvetlerinin tahmin edilebilmesi için araştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları gösteriyor ki, hiperbolik teğet fonksiyonu formunda sıcaklık ve gerinim yumuşatma içeren değiştirilmiş Johnson-Cook malzeme modelinin, Ti-6Al-4V'nin işlenmesi sırasında kesme lokalizasyonunun başlangıcı için kabul edilebilir bir tahmin verebileceğini ortaya koydu.
Application of lightweight and energy-saving materials plays a significant role in different industries including automotive, aerospace and biomedical, to name a few. One important lightweight material is Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy known as the working-horse of the titanium industry, because of its excellent chemical and mechanical properties. In spite of its widespread applications, Ti-6Al-4V is known as a difficult-to-cut material because of its low thermal conductivity, its high chemical affinity with most cutting tool materials, low modulus of elasticity and the formation of shear localized (serrated) chips during machining. The latter is of paramount importance, because of the fact that the consequences of the emergence of serrated chip formation in machining are fluctuations in the machining forces, accelerated tool wear, deterioration of the surface quality, reduced accuracy and out-of-tolerance machined components. The prediction of the onset of shear localization is one of the most challenging problems in the field of machining, i.e. determining the conditions in which the chip morphology is changing from continuous to a periodically varying. The issues associated with shear localized chips were the main driving force in the literature for the development of several material models for the simulation of shear localization during machining of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. However, the accuracy and capability of the developed models for the prediction of the onset of serrated chip formation during machining Ti-6Al-4V have not been investigated. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the accuracy of different material models to predict the onset of serrated chip formation during the machining of Ti-6Al-4V. The results of the finite element models are compared with the results of the experiments in terms of machining forces and chip morphology. Ploughing forces are obtained by varying uncut chip thickness at different cutting speeds by using the extrapolation method, and are used to correct cutting and thrust forces. Corrected cutting and thrust forces are used to calculate the Coulomb friction coefficient. Both explicit and implicit finite element codes are used with different material models with/without damage, with/without strain softening. The weakness and strength of each material model have been investigated for the prediction of the critical cutting speed, chip morphology and machining forces. The results of this study revealed that a modified Johnson-Cook material model which includes temperature softening and strain softening in the form of the hyperbolic tangent function is able to give acceptable predictions for the onset of shear-localization during machining of Ti-6Al-4V.
Application of lightweight and energy-saving materials plays a significant role in different industries including automotive, aerospace and biomedical, to name a few. One important lightweight material is Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy known as the working-horse of the titanium industry, because of its excellent chemical and mechanical properties. In spite of its widespread applications, Ti-6Al-4V is known as a difficult-to-cut material because of its low thermal conductivity, its high chemical affinity with most cutting tool materials, low modulus of elasticity and the formation of shear localized (serrated) chips during machining. The latter is of paramount importance, because of the fact that the consequences of the emergence of serrated chip formation in machining are fluctuations in the machining forces, accelerated tool wear, deterioration of the surface quality, reduced accuracy and out-of-tolerance machined components. The prediction of the onset of shear localization is one of the most challenging problems in the field of machining, i.e. determining the conditions in which the chip morphology is changing from continuous to a periodically varying. The issues associated with shear localized chips were the main driving force in the literature for the development of several material models for the simulation of shear localization during machining of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. However, the accuracy and capability of the developed models for the prediction of the onset of serrated chip formation during machining Ti-6Al-4V have not been investigated. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the accuracy of different material models to predict the onset of serrated chip formation during the machining of Ti-6Al-4V. The results of the finite element models are compared with the results of the experiments in terms of machining forces and chip morphology. Ploughing forces are obtained by varying uncut chip thickness at different cutting speeds by using the extrapolation method, and are used to correct cutting and thrust forces. Corrected cutting and thrust forces are used to calculate the Coulomb friction coefficient. Both explicit and implicit finite element codes are used with different material models with/without damage, with/without strain softening. The weakness and strength of each material model have been investigated for the prediction of the critical cutting speed, chip morphology and machining forces. The results of this study revealed that a modified Johnson-Cook material model which includes temperature softening and strain softening in the form of the hyperbolic tangent function is able to give acceptable predictions for the onset of shear-localization during machining of Ti-6Al-4V.
Makine Mühendisliği, Mühendislik Bilimleri, Mechanical Engineering, Metal işleme, Engineering Sciences, Metal processing, Yüksek mertebeli sonlu elemanlar, Higher order finite elements
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