Edebiyat müze kütüphanelerinin kültürel mirasla ilişkisi ve mekansal değerlendirme

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Fine Arts and Elective Courses
The Department of Fine Arts and Elective Courses was founded under the School of Fine Arts Design and Architecture in 2016. Within the field of Fine Arts, and during our elective courses offered in English and Turkish for the undergraduate students of our University, our students learn about topics such as art history, art criticism, the relationship between art and society, cultural heritages and their protection, museums and museum studies. We contribute to the self and artistic improvement of our students through practice courses in the fields of music, theater, film, photography, dance, art, comics, statues, tile-glazing, mosaics, ceramics, elocution, rhetoric, sign language and digital art. We aim our students to gain the skills of the 21st century such as entrepreneurship, creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, correct self-expression, flexibility, harmony, media and technology, self-guidance, responsibility, social and intercultural communication; through art. The courses of Theater for Entrepreneurship Skills and Creativity in Professional Life are offered in English, and are within the scope of non-elective Entrepreneurship courses.

Journal Issue


Kültürel mirasımızın korunması, yaşatılması, öğretilmesi, tanıtılması amacıyla Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığınca öncelikle yedi bölgede o yörenin en seçkin edebiyatçılarından birinin ismini taşıyan 'Edebiyat Müze Kütüphaneleri' kurulmaya başlanmış, tezin yazıldığı dönemde altı tanesinin tasarımı gerçekleşmiştir. Bunlardan yalnız 5 Edebiyat Müze Kütüphanesi eski eserdir. Taşınmaz somut kültürel mirasın, geleneksel sivil mimari örneklerinden olan istisnai güzellikteki eski binalar restore edilerek topluma kazandırılmış, taşınabilir somut kültürel mirasımızın unsurları olan kitaplar, yazmalar, dergiler, resimler, fotoğraflar, eşyalar, kostümler de müze kütüphanelerde sergilenmiştir. Bu binalarda yine kültürel mirasla ilgili bir çok etkinlik düzenlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada; müze kavramı, kütüphane kavramı, müze kütüphanesi kavramı, ele alınmış, kültürel mirasla müze kütüphaneleri arasındaki bağlantı ortaya konmuş, edebiyat müze kütüphanelerinin kültürel mirasla ilişkisi açısından mekânsal değerlendirmeler yapılmış, eski durumları, restorasyon süreçleri ve son durumları ile ilgili bilgi verilmiştir.
'Literature Museum Libraries' which bearthe name of one of the most distinguished literary writers of the region began to be established by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism primarily in seven regions in order to conserve, maintain , teach, and promote our cultural heritage and six of these museums have been opened during the period when this thesis is written. Five Literature Museum Libraries of these museums are exclusively relics. The old buildings which are the examples of our immovable tangible cultural heritage and traditional civil architecture that have an exceptional beauty have been restored and brought to society and books, manuscripts, magazines, paintings, photographs, furniture, costumes, which are elements of our movable tangible cultural heritage have been exhibited in these museum libraries. Many activities related to ou cultural heritage are organized in these buildings. The concept of the museum, the concept of library and theconcept of the museum library have been discussed, the relationship between cultural heritage and museum libraries hav been revealed, spatial evaluations have been carried out with respect to the relationship between cultural heritage and museum libraries, information about their former situations, restoration processes and latest situations have been provided in thisstudy.



İç Mimari ve Dekorasyon, Interior Design and Decoration

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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