Gotikten Transhümana: Sheridan Le Fanu'nun Carmilla ve Bram Stoker'ın Dracula Adlı Romanlarında Vampir Temsilleri

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Department of English Language and Literature
Founded in 1997, the Department of English Language and Literature is one of the first Departments of Atılım University. Through the graduate and doctorate degree programs in addition to the undergraduate program, the Department raises students and academicians. At the Department of English Language and Literature, we aim to graduate students who have studied and learned the English language and literature at an advanced level and developed the skill to produce ideas; as well as the ability to do analyses and academic research on literature. In addition to granting our students with the opportunity to develop their backgrounds in general culture, the education that we offer contributes to their interest and knowledge in contemporary and current issues. Accredited for 5 years from February 24th 2019 by FEDEK, our undergraduate program grants our students the opportunity to join Double-Major or Minor programs in Translation and Interpretation, and International Relations. Another option for the students of our Department is the Erasmus Exchange Program.

Journal Issue


Bu tez Carmilla ve Dracula adlı romanların Viktorya dönemi eserleri olmalarına rağmen vampir kavramını farklı şekilde ele aldıklarını göstermeye çalışmaktadır. Sheridan Le Fanu Carmilla romanında gotik unsurları ön plana çıkarırken, Bram Stoker Dracula romanında gotik öğeleri ve bilimi harmanlayarak transhüman dünyanın sinyallerini yansıtmaktadır. Bu bağlamda tez, vampirlerin Carmilla romanındaki gotik temsilinin daha eski bir dünya düzenini, bir başka deyişle eski dünyaya dönüşü tasvir ettiğini, ancak Dracula romanında ise gotik unsurların bilimle harmanlanmasının yeni dünya düzenini işaret ettiğini savunmaktadır.
This thesis attempts to show that although Carmilla and Dracula are the products of Victorian age, they treat the concept of vampire differently: while Le Fanu foregrounds gothic elements in Carmilla, Stoker, by blending the gothic with science in Dracula, achieves to reflect the approaching signs of a transhuman world. In this respect, the thesis argues that gothic representation of vampires in Carmilla portray the older world, in other words a return to the older world, while the fusion of gothic elements with science as reflected in Dracula indicates a new world order.



İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, English Language and Literature

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL

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