Swift'in düz yazı biçiminde yazılmış olan güliver'in yolculukları ve mütevazı bir öneri yergilerinin temalarının ve biçimsel özelliklerinin incelenmesi
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Bu tez, Jonathan Swift'in düz yazı biçiminde yazılmış olan Güliver'inYolculukları ve Mütevazı Bir Öneri eserlerinin temalarını ve biçimsel özellikleriniinceleyerek Swift'in on sekizinci yüzyıl İngiliz toplumunu eleştirmek ve ıslah etmekamacıyla yergi türünü nasıl kullandığını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmadametin analizi metodu uygulanmıştır. Eserlerin analizleri öncesinde aydınlanma çağı,neo-classical edebiyat, Swift'in hayatı ve eserleri ve yergi türü hakkında temel bilgiverilmiştir. Analiz sürecinde ise Swift'in her iki eserde de yergi türünü kullanarakmodern toplumu ve bu toplumda gerçekleşen önemli olayları eleştirdiği gözlenmiştir.Güliver'in Yolculukları'nda Swift paralellik, ironi, alegori ve parodi gibi edebiteknikler kullanarak kendi toplumunu yansıttığı Güliver'in hikâyesi aracılığıylakendi toplumunu eleştirir ve ıslah etmeye çalışır. Benzer şekilde, Mütevazı BirÖneri' de İrlanda'nın ekonomik problemlerini çözmek için yamyamlığı öneren ironikbir öneri ile İngiltere'nin İrlanda'yı sömürmesine ve İrlanda'nın yüksek tabakasınınve yöneticilerinin bu sömürüye kayıtsız kalmasına dikkat çeker. Swift'in gurur veönyargı gibi evrensel insani duyguları eleştirmesi de dikkate değer. Sonuç olarak,Güliver'in Yolculukları ve Mütevazı Bir Öneri eserlerinde Swift'in eleştiri türünükullanmadaki asıl amacı on sekizinci yüzyıl İngiliz toplumunu ıslah etmek olmasınarağmen, bu eserlerin Swift'in evrensel mesajlarını algılayabilen her toplumu ıslahetme gücüne sahip olduğu gözlenmiştir.Anahtar Kelimeler1. yergi2. on sekizinci yüzyıl İngiliz toplumu3. ıslah etmek4. sömürgecilik5. ironi
The purpose of this thesis is to reveal how Jonathan Swift uses the genresatire in order to criticize and to reform early eighteenth-century English societythrough thematic and formal analyses of two of his prose satires Gulliver?s Travelsand A Modest Proposal. The method used in this thesis is textual analysis of thesetwo satires. Before the analyses of the works background information concerning theage of reason, neo-classical literature, the life and works of Jonathan Swift and thegenre satire has been given. Throughout the analysis, it is observed that in bothworks by using the genre satire, Swift criticizes his contemporary society and itsimportant events. In Gulliver?s Travels, Swift criticizes and tries to reform hissociety through the story of Gulliver in which the society is reflected through literarytechniques such as parallelisms, irony, allegory and parody. Similarly, in A ModestProposal, Swift draws attention to English colonial practices on Ireland and theupper class and the ruling class Irish indifference to this colonialism through a severeironical pamphlet that suggests cannibalism to solve Ireland?s economical problems.It is also notable that in both works, Swift attacks universal human passions such aspride and prejudice. In conclusion, it is observed that although the main intention ofJonathan Swift in using the genre satire in Gulliver?s Travels and A Modest Proposalis to criticize and to reform early eighteenth-century English society, these workshave the power to reform any society at any time as a result of the universalmessages Swift gives.Key Words:1. satire2. eighteenth-century English society3. reform4. colonialism5. irony
The purpose of this thesis is to reveal how Jonathan Swift uses the genresatire in order to criticize and to reform early eighteenth-century English societythrough thematic and formal analyses of two of his prose satires Gulliver?s Travelsand A Modest Proposal. The method used in this thesis is textual analysis of thesetwo satires. Before the analyses of the works background information concerning theage of reason, neo-classical literature, the life and works of Jonathan Swift and thegenre satire has been given. Throughout the analysis, it is observed that in bothworks by using the genre satire, Swift criticizes his contemporary society and itsimportant events. In Gulliver?s Travels, Swift criticizes and tries to reform hissociety through the story of Gulliver in which the society is reflected through literarytechniques such as parallelisms, irony, allegory and parody. Similarly, in A ModestProposal, Swift draws attention to English colonial practices on Ireland and theupper class and the ruling class Irish indifference to this colonialism through a severeironical pamphlet that suggests cannibalism to solve Ireland?s economical problems.It is also notable that in both works, Swift attacks universal human passions such aspride and prejudice. In conclusion, it is observed that although the main intention ofJonathan Swift in using the genre satire in Gulliver?s Travels and A Modest Proposalis to criticize and to reform early eighteenth-century English society, these workshave the power to reform any society at any time as a result of the universalmessages Swift gives.Key Words:1. satire2. eighteenth-century English society3. reform4. colonialism5. irony
İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, Hiciv, Sosyal eleştiri, Swift, Jonathan, English Linguistics and Literature, Sömürgecilik, Satire, Sömürgeler politikası, Social criticism, Swift, Jonathan, İngiliz politikası, Colonialism, Colonies policy, İngilizler, British policy, İngiltere, British, England, İroni, Irony
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