Assessment of the Acoustic Performance of Historical Structures That ShedLight on Today's Technologies: Fatih Pasha (Kurşunlu) Mosque - Diyarbakır

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The Atılım University School of Architecture was founded in 2009. As for the number of students, our School is a medium-sized one, as is the case with many others in Europe. As a profession the expectation for which is to deal with people, society and environment in many aspects, architecture requires a similarly sophisticated education. In the Undergraduate Program at the Department of Architecture, we are working to establish such sophistication within the balance of theory and practice. Following the Integrated Doctorate Program that opened in 2010 for undergraduate and graduate alumni, the Thesis and Project Programs at Graduate Levels were opened in 2018. The self-evaluation studies of the Department that are run in coordination with the intra-evaluation and strategy studies of Atılım University are performed in relation to the external evaluations by the Architectural Accrediting Board (MİAK). The Department of Architecture is a member of the “European Association for Architectural Education” (EAAE).

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Today's technologies are produced using new construction methods and new materials and using differenttechniques. While the time dimension of the parametric design, which is defined as the fourth dimension,is sometimes an hour, day or year, sometimes this is seen as a bridge between the past and the present ofthe structures that have survived in a large date range. For this reason, the support of new buildingmaterials and techniques from time to time with methods that have the technical data of the periodobtained as a result of our historical heritage and long experience can provide us with new perspectives.The architectural features and construction techniques of historical mosques contain important data on theacoustic performance of religious buildings. Our heritage knowledge must be blended with newknowledge and technologies. Within the scope of the study, the details and systems that were effective inproviding acoustic performance parameters in the architecture of Fatih Pasha (Kurşunlu) Mosque, whichwas the first Ottoman period work of the city located in Diyarbakır Suriçi area, were examined. Among theobjective parameters of the sound, Reverberation Time (RT), Early Decay Time (EDT), Clarity (C80), andDefinition (D50) metrics were measured. The obtained data were compared with reference values andanalyzed. As a result of the data and analysis obtained in the literature reviews, it was determined that theacoustic values of the mosque were in harmony with the reference values. When the measurement datawere compared with the obtained international publications, it has been observed that the sound pressurevalue ranges depending on the frequency of acceptable indoor acoustics standards. The importance ofrestoration works in harmony with materials such as basalt, brick, limestone, lime mortar and plasterwhich are the original materials of the building was highlighted in terms of acoustics.



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