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The Atılım University Department of Mathematics was founded in 2000 and it offers education in English. The Department offers students the opportunity to obtain a certificate in Mathematical Finance or Cryptography, aside from their undergraduate diploma. Our students may obtain a diploma secondary to their diploma in Mathematics with the Double-Major Program; as well as a certificate in their minor alongside their diploma in Mathematics through the Minor Program. Our graduates may pursue a career in academics at universities, as well as be hired in sectors such as finance, education, banking, and informatics. Our Department has been accredited by the evaluation and accreditation organization FEDEK for a duration of 5 years (until September 30th, 2025), the maximum FEDEK accreditation period achievable. Our Department is globally and nationally among the leading Mathematics departments with a program that suits international standards and a qualified academic staff; even more so for the last five years with our rankings in the field rankings of URAP, THE, USNEWS and WEBOFMETRIC.

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İki çözülebilir grubun çarpımının çözülebililir olmayabileceği bilinmektedir. Bu tezde, V. S. Monakhov'un makalesine dayanarak $G=AB$ tipindeki sonlu grubun çözülebilirliği çalışılmıştır. Bir $G$ grubunun nilpotent ve öz-normalleyen bir altgrubu var ise, bu altgruba $G$'nin Carter altgrubu denir. $G$ grubunun süperçözülebilir bir $H$ altgrubuna $H \leq H_1 < T \leq G$ iken $|T:H_1|$ asal değildir koşulunu sağlıyor ise $G$'nin Gashutz altgrubu denir. Monakhov, Kegel-Weiland ve Kazarin'nin sonuçlarını kullanarak gösteriyor ki eğer $A$'nın her Carter altgrubu, $B$'nin her Carter altgrubu ile degişmeli ise $G=AB$ çözülebilirdir. Ayrica $G=AB$'nin çözülebilirliğini $A$'nın her Carter altgrubunun tekil mertebeli ve $B$'nin her Gashutz altgrubu ile değişmeli olmasi koşulu altında da vermektedir. Bunun yanı sıra, okuyucuya kolaylık sağlaması için tezde kullanılan Carter altgruplarının özellikleri Roger W. Carter'ın ``On nilpotent self-normalizing subgroups of soluble groups'' adlı makalesinden ispatları açıklanarak verilmiştir.
It is well-known that a product of two solvable groups need not to be solvable. In this thesis, depending on an article of V. S. Monakhov [10], the solvability of a finite group $G=AB$ is studied. A subgroup $K$ of a group $G$ is called a Carter subgroup if $K$ is nilpotent and self-normalizing. A supersolvable subgroup $H$ of a group $G$ is called a Gaschütz subgroup if the condition $H\leq H_1< T\leq G$ implies that $\left|T:H_1\right|$ is not prime. Using the Kegel-Wielandt and Kazarin results, Monakhov showed that if every Carter subgroup of $A$ commutes with every Carter subgroup of $B$, then $G=AB$ is solvable. Moreover, he gives that $G=AB$ is solvable when every Carter subgroup of $A$ is of odd order and commutes with every Gaschütz subgroup of $B$. In addition, for convenience of the reader, the proofs of the properties of Carter subgroups given in the article ``On nilpotent self-normalizing subgroups of solvable groups' of Roger.~W.~Carter are clarified.



Matematik, Mathematics

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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