Küçük konutlarda iç mekan analizi: Ankara'da iki konut örneği
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'Küçük konut' ve 'mekân' kavramları, çağdaş kent yaşamının kapsamı içinde yer almaktadır. Konutların, tasarım süreçleri, değişen koşulları ve sosyo-ekonomik değerler doğrultusunda yeniden değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada; küçük konutun tanımlanması ile beraber, küçük konutun tasarımına yön vermesi gereken belirleyicilere değinilmektedir. Günümüz küçük konutlarında gerek mekânsal gerek niteliksel özellikleri ile birlikte, küçük konutlardaki mekânsal organizasyonların uygunluğu, yeterliliği ve kullanım kolaylığına bağlı olarak kullanıcı memnuniyeti ile yaşam tarzlarının küçük konutlarda uygunluğu incelenmektedir. Tez de küçük konut kullanıcılarının bulunduğu iki pilot bölgede yapılan anket çalışması ve bu küçük konutlara ait projelerin incelenip iç mekan analizlerinin karşılaştırılması yapılarak mekânsal farklılıkları irdelenmiştir. Örnek çalışma ile mevcut bir konutun mekânsal organizasyonunun yeniden düzenlenerek kullanım alanlarındaki değişim irdelenmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Konut, Küçük Konut, Küçük Konutların Ġç Mekân BiçimleniĢi, Küçük Konutların Ġç Mekân Organizasyonu,
The terms of 'Small House' and 'site' are included in the content of the contemporary city life. The process of designing the houses are need to be reconsidered as the mutation conditions and the socio-economical values. In this study; identification of small houses with small dwelling design direction must provide addresses to decisive. Today, small housing need qualitative features together with the need for spatial, small housing adequacy and appropriateness of the spatial organization, depending on user satisfaction, ease of use and compatibility with the small houses of the lifestyle of being examined. Contemporary urban areas the number of users per unit area is increasing with each passing day. This increase was generated supportive housing designs, contemporary urban lifestyles and needs of the user to redefine, being identified. Thesis also tracked although mainly sourcing survey methods, where the two Small residential users to plot in the region belongs to this small housing with the survey of the projects reviewed and made analysis of the Interior; the selected regions of the same square metres compared to each other using spatial differences are studied and case study with an existing dwelling spatial organization is revised differentiated and efficient usage fields will be offered to your information being used. Keywords: Housing, Small House, Interior Formations of the Small House, LittleHouse of interior Organization,
The terms of 'Small House' and 'site' are included in the content of the contemporary city life. The process of designing the houses are need to be reconsidered as the mutation conditions and the socio-economical values. In this study; identification of small houses with small dwelling design direction must provide addresses to decisive. Today, small housing need qualitative features together with the need for spatial, small housing adequacy and appropriateness of the spatial organization, depending on user satisfaction, ease of use and compatibility with the small houses of the lifestyle of being examined. Contemporary urban areas the number of users per unit area is increasing with each passing day. This increase was generated supportive housing designs, contemporary urban lifestyles and needs of the user to redefine, being identified. Thesis also tracked although mainly sourcing survey methods, where the two Small residential users to plot in the region belongs to this small housing with the survey of the projects reviewed and made analysis of the Interior; the selected regions of the same square metres compared to each other using spatial differences are studied and case study with an existing dwelling spatial organization is revised differentiated and efficient usage fields will be offered to your information being used. Keywords: Housing, Small House, Interior Formations of the Small House, LittleHouse of interior Organization,
İç Mimari ve Dekorasyon, Konut, Interior Design and Decoration, Küçük konutlar, Dwelling house, İç mekan, Small dwelling houses, Interior space, İç mekan tasarımı, Interior design
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