Seyahat Hürriyetinin 1982 Anayasasına Göre Hukuki Düzeni

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Started in 2003 with 21 students, the Atılım University School of Law has so far graduated over 1700 students, and currently offers education for more than 1300 students. With the aim stressed by our Founding Dean Prof. Dr. Nami Çağan, we grant students with the background that allows them to access and evaluate information, rather than overloading them with information dumps during our education and training in the field of law. With a curriculum prepared with this approach and our mission in mind, we aim to graduate our students as actual legal experts who have internalized ethical rules, who are knowledgeable in terms of rules and institutions; and who are cultured, versatile, broad-visioned and inquisitive. In addition to basic courses in law conducted by our academic staff as pioneers of their field with respect to these principles, elective courses are available pursuant to current events such as those in mediation for legal disagreements, law and women, sports law, informatics law, media law and legal English; as well as law clinics to offer effective and interactive education. In addition, graduate and doctorate degree programs, alongside certificate programs such as those to train experts, peace-makers, mediators, and trustees in composition, are underway. A member of the European Law Faculties Association (ELFA), our School offers international relations and events, the Erasmus+ program, national and international fictional court contests, law and art days prepared by our student networks, or career forums in law to collaborate in the personal development of our students.

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Seyahat hürriyeti, temel insan haklarından biri olarak uluslararası sözleşmeler ve anayasalarda güvence altına alınmıştır. Bununla birlikte günümüzde yaşanan gelişmeler, devletleri, seyahat hürriyetinin sınırlandırılması sonucunu doğuracak düzenlemeler yapmaya sevk etmiştir. Covid – 19 pandemi sürecinde getirilen sokağa çıkma kısıtlamaları ve olağanüstü hal sürecinde kanun hükmünde kararnameler ile getirilen pasaport tahditleri, seyahat hürriyetinin sınırlandırılması sonucunu doğuran düzenlemelere örnek gösterilebilecektir. Bu düzenlemelerin anayasaya uygunluğu ise doktrinde tartışma konusudur. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak - Anayasa Mahkemesi ve Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi kararları kapsamında - seyahat özgürlüğünün yasal çerçevesi ortaya konmuştur. Ardından, seyahat hürriyetinin sınırlandırılması rejimi anlatılmış ve seyahat hürriyetini sınırlandıran mevzuat ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Covid-19 pandemisi ve olağanüstü hal döneminde seyahat özgürlüğüne getirilen kısıtlamalar incelenmiş; bu kısıtlamaların temel hak ve özgürlüklerin sınırlandırılmasına ilişkin anayasal rejime uygunluğu tartışılmıştır.
Freedom of movement is guaranteed in international conventions and constitutions as one of the fundamental human rights. On the other hand, the developments experienced recently have led the states to make regulations that result in the restriction of the freedom of movement. Curfew restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic and passport restrictions brought by statutory decrees during the state of emergency can be shown as examples of regulations that result in restriction of freedom of movement. The constitutionality of these regulations is controversial in doctrine. In this study, firstly, the legal framework of freedom of movement - within the scope of the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights judgements - has been revealed. Then, the regime of restriction of freedom of movement was explained and the legislation restricting the freedom of movement was examined in detail. In this study, restrictions on freedom of movement during the Covid-19 pandemic and state of emergency were examined; the compatibility of these restrictions with the constitutional regime concerning restriction of fundamental rights has been discussed.



Hukuk, Anayasa 1982, Anayasa, Hukuki işlemler, Law, Constitution 1982, Hukuki yapı, Constitution, Legal processes, Kamu hukuku, Judical structure, Seyahat, Public law, Travel, Seyahat özgürlüğü, Freedom of travel

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