Asetilkolin esteraz inhibitörleri biyokimyasal analizi gibi piyasada bulunan antihipertensif ilaçlar: Kaptopril and lisinopril

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Chemical Engineering
Established in 2010, and aiming to train the students with the capacity to meet the demands of the 21st Century, the Chemical Engineering Department provides a sound chemistry background through intense coursework and laboratory practices, along with fundamental courses such as Physics and Mathematics within the freshman and sophomore years, following preparatory English courses.In the final two years of the program, engineering courses are offered with laboratory practice and state-of-the-art simulation programs, combining theory with practice.

Journal Issue


Asetilkolin esteraz inhibitörleri kemoterapötik ilaç direnci veya kanser gelişimiyle ilişkisi merak edici bir konudur.Bunula ilgili belli bir kanıtlama yoktur. Bu çalışmada, ilk defa laboratuvarda seçilmiş ACE inhibitörlerin ilaçlarının şu enzimler üzerine etkisini incelemekteyiz: Super Oxide Dismutaz (SOD), Catalaz (CAT), Glutathione Peroxidaz (GPx) ve Glutathione-S- Transferaz (GST). Bunun yanında, ilaçların çözünürlüğü ve istikrarı belli koşullar altında muhaveze edilğinde uğradığı değişimler tespit edilmektedir Sodium phosphate tamponlar ve PH:6.5 ve 7 kullanılmıştır. İlaçlar ise +4 C ve -20C derecede muhavaze edimiştir. 30 gün boyunca ilaçlar hiç bir değişikliğe uğramamıştır ( enzim denemesini yapmak için gereken süredir). Kaptopril SOD enzimini 98% GST enzimi 85% orantıyla, CAT enzimi ise sadece 5% ve GPx enzimini 11% orantıyla engellemiştir. Ancak Lisinopril SOD enzymi 99% orantıyla, GST enzimi 98% orantıyla, CAT enzimi ise 70% ve GPx enzimini 53% orantyla engellemiştir.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been under question about their relation with chemotherapeutic drugs resistance or cancer development. There has not been a certain prove about that concern. In our study, we investigate the effect of selected ACE inhibitors drugs on the following enzymes Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT), Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx) and Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST), for the first time in the literature. Moreover, the solubility and stability of the drugs were tested with new data revealed about their behavior when stored under certain conditions. Sodium phosphate buffers with pH: 6.5 and pH: 7 were used and the drugs were stored at +4 °C and- 20°C. The drugs were found to be stable for 30 days (the period required to run the enzymatic assays). Captopril showed 98% inhibition for SOD enzyme, 85% inhibition for GST enzyme, only 5% inhibition for CAT enzyme and 11% inhibition for GPx enzyme activities. While Lisinopril showed 99% inhibition for SOD enzyme, 98% inhibition for GST enzyme, 70% inhibition for CAT and 53% inhibition for GPx enzyme activities.



Kimya, Chemistry, Kimya Mühendisliği, Chemical Engineering

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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