Krizlerin anatomisi ve Türkiye'de 2001-2008 finansal-ekonomik krizleri üzerine bir inceleme

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International Trade and Logistics
Commonly paired with the term logistics, international trade is an irreplaceable, ever-developing element that even pioneers theory with its practices. International trade and logistics is a field that involves developing areas of commerce such as “E-Commerce” and utilizes state-of-the-art technology. As we all know, E-Commerce reaches a volume of trillions of dollars due to special days and celebrations; whereas logistics is what fleshes it out. In addition, while e-commerce gains popularity during the global Covid-19 outbreak, logistics is what deems storage, transportation and customs duties possible. At our Department, the education is offered in English with a program and a staff that grasp development; in addition to hands-on training at our simulation center. Assigning expert academicians and instructors, the department grants the opportunity to make observations in turkey or abroad, every year and in each semester. Similarly, our Department sends students to Erasmus programs, every year. Thus, our graduates are never unemployed. Maintaining our state of being “the only”, “the first”, “and the best” in education, social life, and sports..

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Tarihsel bir perspektifle bakıldığında finansal faaliyetler birçok krizi de içinde barındırmıştır. Bu, mevcut ekonomik sistemin doğasında bulunan bir özellik gibi görünmektedir. Söz konusu sistem devam ettiği sürece krizlerle karşılaşılması da kaçınılmaz olmaktadır.Görüldüğü günden beri iktisatçılar, krizlerin oluşumunu, neden ve sonuçlarını anlamaya ve bu olguyu açıklamaya çalışmışlardır. 1980'li yıllarda Dünya'nın pek çok ülkesinde hızla yayılmaya başlayan finansal küreselleşme akımı kriz olgusunu daha belirgin bir şekilde gündeme getirmiş ve krizlerin oluşum aşamaları, nedenleri ve etkileri pek çok iktisatçının birinci gündem maddesi olmuştur.Bu çalışmanın iki temel amacı bulunmaktadır. İlk amaç kriz kavramının açık-lanması ve başlıca kriz kategorilerinin incelenmesidir. İkinci amaç ise Dünya krizleri paralelinde ülkemizde yaşanan 2001 ve 2008 ekonomik krizlerinin irdelenmesidir.Anahtar Sözcükler:1.Finansal Kriz,2.Ekonomik Kriz,3.Kriz Modelleri,4.Reel Sektör,5.Finans Sektörü
From an historical perspective, financial and economic activities seem to involve certain crises. This seems to be a characteristic inherent in our present economic system. As long as this system continues, crises will be inevitable.Right from the beginning, the economists have tried to understand the formation, causes, and impacts of crises and tried to explain this phenomenon. In the 1980s, financial globalization has brought the crisis phenomenon more explicitly to the agenda and the stages of crisis formation, causes and impacts have become the primary item of agenda for quite a number of economists.This study has two basic goals. The first goal is to explain the concept of crisis and to expound the main categories of crisis. And the second goal is to analyze, in parallel to global crises, the 2001 and 2008 economic crises in Turkey.Key words:1.Financial crisis,2.Economic crisis,3.Models of crisis,4.Real sector,5.Financial sector



Ekonomi, Ekonomik etki, Ekonomik kriz 2008, Economics, Ekonomik kriz, Economic effect, Economical crisis 2008, Ekonomik kriz Şubat 2001, Economic crisis, Kriz, Economical crisis February 2001, Crisis, Türk ekonomisi, Turkish economy

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