Türkiyede hükümet politikalarının doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımları üzerindeki etkileri ve sonuçlarına dair şirket yöneticilerinin algıları
Cekic, Anıl
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Sermaye ve ticaret yapısındaki küresel gelişmeler, ülkelerin yatırım politikalarının da sürekli değişerek, yeni anlayışlarla şekillenmesine neden olmaktadır. Küresel yapıda görülen hızlı değişim süreci, sermayenin dağılımının gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler arasında akışkanlık göstermesi ile yeni bir boyut kazanmıştır. Özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkeler, iç kaynakların yetersiz kalması nedeniyle, dış kaynak arayışı içerisine girmişlerdir. II'nci Dünya Savaşından sonra hızlanan bu süreç, gelişmiş ülkelerin kar elde etme amacı çerçevesinde bilgi ve birikimlerini gelişmekte olan ülkelere yeni yatırım anlayışları ile getirmeleri şeklinde gelişmiştir. Bu kapsamda gelişen doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımları, özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkeler için önemli bir sermaye kaynağı durumuna gelmiştir.Bu çalışmada; özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkeler tarafından dış finansman kaynağı olarak değerlendirilen doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımlarının Türkiye'deki gelişim süreci, devlet politikalarının etkisi açısından incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı; doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımlarına yönelik alınan siyasal ve ekonomik kararların sonuçlarının, yatırım ortamı üzerindeki etkilerini tespit ederek, mevcut durumun neden ve sonuçlarına ilişkin çözüm önerileri sunmaktır. Bu çerçevede araştırmamız; Türkiye'de doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımları üzerinde özellikle belirli dönemlerde alınan hükümet kararlarının etki ve sonuçlarının rekabet, istihdam, teşvik uygulamaları ve yatırım ortamının önünde engel teşkil eden diğer yapısal uygulamalarla olan ilişkisini tespit etmek amacıyla geliştirilmiştir. Söz konusu çalışmada, yapmış olduğumuz anket araştırmasından elde edilen bulgularla geliştirilen sonuç ve çözüm önerileri, orta ve büyük ölçekli şirket yöneticilerinin vermiş olduğu katkılarla daha da somut hale gelmiştir.?Türkiye'de Hükümet Politikaların Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları Üzerindeki Etkileri ve Sonuçlarına Dair Şirket Yöneticilerinin Algıları'' adlı tez çalışmamızda izlenen yöntem ve teknikler aşağıya çıkarılmıştır : Yapmış olduğumuz çalışma;?Konuya ilişkin literatür taraması,?Yabancı sermayeli şirket yöneticileri üzerinde anket uygulaması,?Anketlerin analiz edilmesi,?Analiz değerlerinin değerlendirilmesi ve çözüm önerilerinin sunulması çerçevesinde geliştirilmiştir.Çalışmamızın son bölümünde ise; Türkiye'de doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımlarını çekebilmek için öncelik verilmesi gereken alanlar üzerine yaptığımız çözüm önerileri anket bulguları ile desteklenmiştir. Bu kapsamda hükümetin; arazi ve alt yapı, vergi, rekabet, AR-GE uygulamaları, yeni yatırım stratejilerinin belirlenmesi, teşvik uygulamalarında yeni çalışmaların yapılması, yatırım promosyon ajansları aracılığı ile tanıtım sorununu çözmesine yönelik uygulamaları geliştirmesi öncelik verilmesi gereken konular olarak değerlendirilmiştir.Anahtar Sözcükler:1. Küreselleşme2. Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları3.Hükümet Politikaları4.Rekabet, Teşvik ve İstihdam Uygulamaları5.Yabancı Sermayeli ŞirketlerAnahtar Sözcükler :1. Küreselleşme2. Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları3. Hükümet Politikaları4. Rekabet, Teşvik ve İstihdam Uygulamaları5. Yabancı Sermayeli Şirketler
Global developments within capital and trade, by investment policies constantly changing, cause countries to take shape with new understandings. The process of rapid transformation seen globally has gained a new dimension with the distribution of capital becoming routine among developed and developing countries. Due to domestic resources being insufficient, developing countries in particular have started seeking external resources. This process, which has gained momentum following World War II, has developed within the framework of developed countries aiming to gain profit, with brining their information and knowledge to the developing countries through new understandings of investment. Direct foreign capital investments, which have developed in this respect, have become an important source of capital especially for developing countries.In this study; the development process of direct foreign capital investments in Turkey, which are especially considered by developing countries as a source of external financing, have been addressed from the aspect of the effects of government policies. The goal of this study is; by determining the effects of the consequences of political and economic decisions taken towards direct foreign capital investments on the investment environment, to offer solutions concerning the reason and consequences of the existing situation. Within this framework, the research has been developed with the purpose of determining the relationship between the effects and consequences of government decisions, taken particularly in certain periods, towards direct foreign capital investments in Turkey and methods of competition, employment, incentives and other structural practices which pose an obstacle to the investment environment. The conclusion and proposals for a solution, which have been reached in the research through the findings obtained from the survey conducted, have become more concrete through the contributions of medium and large scaled corporate executives.The method and techniques used in the dissertation entitled ?The Direct Effects of Government Policies on Foreign Capital Investments in Turkey and the Perceptions of Corporate Executives Regarding Their Consequences? has been provided below: This study has developed within the framework of;?A literature review regarding the subject,?Conducting a survey on executives of companies with foreign capital,?Analysis of the surveys,?Evaluating the values of analysis and presenting proposals for a solution.In the last section of our study, the proposals for a solution on the areas which should first be given priority for direct foreign capital investments in Turkey being withdrawn have been supported with the findings from the surveys. In this respect, issues of land and infrastructure, taxation, competition, research-development methods, determining of new investment strategies, new works being conducted towards incentive practices, developing practices towards solving the issue of presentation through investment promotion agencies have been considered as being among the issues which require prioritization.Key Words:1. Globalization2. Direct Foreign Capital Investments3. Government Policies4. Methods of Competition, Incentive and employment5. Companies with Foreign CapitalKey Words:1. Globalization2. Direct Foreign Capital Investments3. Government Policies4. Methods of Competition, Incentive and employment5. Companies with Foreign Capital
Global developments within capital and trade, by investment policies constantly changing, cause countries to take shape with new understandings. The process of rapid transformation seen globally has gained a new dimension with the distribution of capital becoming routine among developed and developing countries. Due to domestic resources being insufficient, developing countries in particular have started seeking external resources. This process, which has gained momentum following World War II, has developed within the framework of developed countries aiming to gain profit, with brining their information and knowledge to the developing countries through new understandings of investment. Direct foreign capital investments, which have developed in this respect, have become an important source of capital especially for developing countries.In this study; the development process of direct foreign capital investments in Turkey, which are especially considered by developing countries as a source of external financing, have been addressed from the aspect of the effects of government policies. The goal of this study is; by determining the effects of the consequences of political and economic decisions taken towards direct foreign capital investments on the investment environment, to offer solutions concerning the reason and consequences of the existing situation. Within this framework, the research has been developed with the purpose of determining the relationship between the effects and consequences of government decisions, taken particularly in certain periods, towards direct foreign capital investments in Turkey and methods of competition, employment, incentives and other structural practices which pose an obstacle to the investment environment. The conclusion and proposals for a solution, which have been reached in the research through the findings obtained from the survey conducted, have become more concrete through the contributions of medium and large scaled corporate executives.The method and techniques used in the dissertation entitled ?The Direct Effects of Government Policies on Foreign Capital Investments in Turkey and the Perceptions of Corporate Executives Regarding Their Consequences? has been provided below: This study has developed within the framework of;?A literature review regarding the subject,?Conducting a survey on executives of companies with foreign capital,?Analysis of the surveys,?Evaluating the values of analysis and presenting proposals for a solution.In the last section of our study, the proposals for a solution on the areas which should first be given priority for direct foreign capital investments in Turkey being withdrawn have been supported with the findings from the surveys. In this respect, issues of land and infrastructure, taxation, competition, research-development methods, determining of new investment strategies, new works being conducted towards incentive practices, developing practices towards solving the issue of presentation through investment promotion agencies have been considered as being among the issues which require prioritization.Key Words:1. Globalization2. Direct Foreign Capital Investments3. Government Policies4. Methods of Competition, Incentive and employment5. Companies with Foreign CapitalKey Words:1. Globalization2. Direct Foreign Capital Investments3. Government Policies4. Methods of Competition, Incentive and employment5. Companies with Foreign Capital
Siyasal Bilimler, İşletme, Doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımları, Hükümet politikaları, Political Science, Küreselleşme, Business Administration, Teşvikler, Foreign direct investments, Government policies, Yabancı sermaye, Globalization, Incentives, Yabancı sermaye işletmeleri, Foreign capital, Yabancı sermaye yatırımları, Foreign capital enterprises, Foreign capital investments, Şirket yönetimi, Company management
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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