Kentsel dönüşüm kapsamında ankara'da riskli bulunan binaların yorumlanması
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Türkiye'de bulunan birçok yapı deprem bölgelerinde yer almaktadır. Özellikle 1999 Adapazarı Depremi öncesinde yapılmış olan yapıların deprem yükleri altında göçme riski bulunmaktadır. Bu depremden sonra gerçekleştirilen malzeme, analiz, tasarım, yapım ve denetim ile ilgili düzenlemeler, daha güvenli yapıların tasarlanıp inşa edilmesine yol açmıştır. Türkiye'de daha öncesinde yapılan bütün eski yapıların durumunun, yapıların güçlendirme veya yıkım ve yapım işlemi gerektirip gerektirmediğinin 'Kentsel Dönüşüm' adı altında değerlendirilmesi ihtiyacı doğmuştur. Bu çalışmada, Kentsel Dönüşüm yapılan binaların yapısal değerlendirilmesi ile ilgili çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Ankara'daki binalar için hazırlanan 39 adet yapısal değerlendirme raporu tetkik edilmiş ve sonuçları beton dayanımı, zemin taşıma kapasitesi, deprem yükleri, riskli kolon sayıları ve onların taşıdığı kesme kuvvetleri, vb. konularda karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Binaların neden riskli olduğu hakkında grafikler çizilmiştir. Bu karşılaştırmalar ve grafikler ışığında bazı ilişkiler oluşturulmuştur. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları genellenerek Türkiye'nin diğer illerine gerçekleştirilecek kentsel dönüşüm çalışmalarında kullanılabilir.
Most structures in Turkey are located in earthquake zones and are subjected to risk of collapse under earthquake loads, especially the structures constructed before 1999 Adapazarı Earthquake. After this earthquake, new regulations related to materials, analysis, design, construction, and auditing provided design and construction of safer structures. For the buildings constructed before this date, a need to investigate the condition of these old buildings was arisen throughout Turkey whether they needed a strengthening or demolishing and reconstruction process, under the name 'urban transformation.' This study was performed to evaluate the steps used on structural evaluation of buildings under urban transformation. The structural evaluation reports of 39 buildings in Ankara prepared by various building inspection organizations were reviewed and the results were compared in terms of many aspects such as concrete strengths, allowable soil strengths, earthquake forces, unsafe column numbers and their shear forces, etc. and a relationship was established related to the collected data. Graphs related to reasons why these buildings were considered unsafe. The findings of this study may be used to generalize the condition of evaluation of buildings under urban transformation in other cities of Turkey.
Most structures in Turkey are located in earthquake zones and are subjected to risk of collapse under earthquake loads, especially the structures constructed before 1999 Adapazarı Earthquake. After this earthquake, new regulations related to materials, analysis, design, construction, and auditing provided design and construction of safer structures. For the buildings constructed before this date, a need to investigate the condition of these old buildings was arisen throughout Turkey whether they needed a strengthening or demolishing and reconstruction process, under the name 'urban transformation.' This study was performed to evaluate the steps used on structural evaluation of buildings under urban transformation. The structural evaluation reports of 39 buildings in Ankara prepared by various building inspection organizations were reviewed and the results were compared in terms of many aspects such as concrete strengths, allowable soil strengths, earthquake forces, unsafe column numbers and their shear forces, etc. and a relationship was established related to the collected data. Graphs related to reasons why these buildings were considered unsafe. The findings of this study may be used to generalize the condition of evaluation of buildings under urban transformation in other cities of Turkey.
İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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