Afganistan 2014 cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimleri: General Dostum'un rolü ve Özbek etnik politikaları
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'Afganistan 2014 Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimleri: General Dostum'un Rolü ve Özbek Etnik Politikaları' adlı kapsamlı çalışmamda, özellikle Kuzey Afganistan Türk Halklarının 1992'den başlayarak ırkçılığa ve etnik monarşiye karşı verdiklerı hayatta kalma savaşı ve direniş mücadelelerini geniş bir şekilde bahis konusu edip ve etraflıca tartıştım. Özellikle, 2014 Afganistan Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimleri sonrası şunu göstermiştir ki Özbekler (Türkler) toplumsal temsilciliğin demokratik - doğru araçlarını kullanarak, Birleşik Afganistan'ın önemli bir etnik ve siyası faktörlerinden biri haline geldiğini tescillemiştir. Bu çalışma, Afganistan'ın sosyo-politik tarihinin son 25 yıldaki statükoya karşı o ülkenin kahraman halkının ve liderinin hikayesinin mücadelesini geniş bir şekilde incelemektedir. Ayrıca, bu çalışma, onun onursal mücadelesinin ana hatlarını belirlemektedir; bazen yalnız ve bazen istenmeyen bir adam ilan edilmesine karşın, o askeri ve siyasi hayatı boyunca hep birçok suçlama -önyargıya maruz kalmıştır ve kalmaktadır. Bunlara rağmen o kahraman halkının sonsuz destiği ve sevgisiyle her zaman hayatta kalmayı başarabilmiştir.
This is a comprehensive study of '2014 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN AFGHANISTAN: THE ROLE OF GENERAL DOSTUM AND UZBEK ETHNIC POLITICS ' in which I studied and discussed in widespread illustration, survive and revolutionary struggle of the Turkic People of Northern Afghanistan beginning in 1992 against racism and ethnic monarch. After Afghanistan's presidential election of 2014 and using right democratic instruments of the social representation the Uzbeks would became a key ethnic and political factors of the United Afghanistan. This study widely examines the struggle of a nation's heroic people and its leader's story against the status quo in the last 25-years of Afghanistan's socio-political history. Further, this study outlines in his sacred struggle, he is a lonely and sometimes unwanted man, and has been subjected to many accusations during his military and political life. Nevertheless, the hero has always been able to survive with great support of his people.
This is a comprehensive study of '2014 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN AFGHANISTAN: THE ROLE OF GENERAL DOSTUM AND UZBEK ETHNIC POLITICS ' in which I studied and discussed in widespread illustration, survive and revolutionary struggle of the Turkic People of Northern Afghanistan beginning in 1992 against racism and ethnic monarch. After Afghanistan's presidential election of 2014 and using right democratic instruments of the social representation the Uzbeks would became a key ethnic and political factors of the United Afghanistan. This study widely examines the struggle of a nation's heroic people and its leader's story against the status quo in the last 25-years of Afghanistan's socio-political history. Further, this study outlines in his sacred struggle, he is a lonely and sometimes unwanted man, and has been subjected to many accusations during his military and political life. Nevertheless, the hero has always been able to survive with great support of his people.
Uluslararası İlişkiler, Afganistan, Cumhurbaşkanı, Dostum, Raşit, Etnik azınlık, International Relations, Afghanistan, Etnik gruplar, President, Etnik yapı, Dostum, Raşit, Ethnic minority, Gayri resmi mücadele, Ethnic groups, Ethnic structure, Seçimler, Insurgency, Taliban, Elections, Taliban, Özbekler, Uzbeks
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