Su Sorunu: Fırat, Dicle ve Asi Nehirleri Örnekleri
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ÖZETHayatın yeri doldurulamaz unsuru olan su, yaşamsal öneminin yanında,günümüzde tarım ve enerji üretiminin önemli bir girdisini oluşturması sebebiyleulusal kalkınma için de temel bir maddedir. Önemli bir güç unsuru olması sebebiyle,giderek azalan bir kaynak olarak, ülkeler arasındaki politik, ekonomik ilişkilerietkileyen su, zaman zaman başka nitelikteki siyasi anlaşmazlıklarla da etkileşimiçerisinde ihtilaflara sebep olabilmektedir. Uluslararası hukuk bağlamında konuincelendiğinde, çeşitli uygulamalar ve yapılan çalışmalarda, suların hakça, makul veoptimum kullanımı ile kıyıdaş ülkelere önemli zarar vermeme ilkelerinin büyükölçüde benimsendiği görülmektedir.Suriye ve Irak arasında Fırat, Dicle ve Asi nehirleriyle ilgili anlaşmazlık daTürkiye'nin Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi'ne başlamasıyla birlikte daha da görünürbir hal almış ve terör, Hatay meselesi gibi konularla bağlantılı olarak gerilimleresebep olmuştur. Suriye ve Irak, Türkiye'nin proje çerçevesinde inşa ettiği barajlaraözellikle de su tutulma dönemlerinde, bazen kendi sularının azalacağı bazen desuların kirlenmesine neden olduğu gerekçesiyle karşı çıkmış, sorunu uluslararasıplatforma taşımaya çalışmıştır. Türkiye ile Irak arasında 1946 anlaşması ve Türkiyeile Suriye arasında ise 1987 Protokolü imzalanmış, günümüz statüsünü belirleyen1987 Protokolü ile Suriye'ye yıllık ortalama 500 metreküp/sn su bırakılmasıkararlaştırılmıştır. Fakat Irak ve Suriye üç tarafın katılımıyla yeni bir anlaşmayapılmasını ve bırakılan su miktarının arttırılmasını talep etmektedir. Ülkelerinnehirlere katkıları ve tüketim hedefleri dikkate alındığında, Suriye ve Irak'ın toplamsu taleplerinin, nehirlerin su potansiyelinin üzerinde olduğu görülmektedir. Fırat veDicle nehirlerini ?uluslararası sular? olarak kabul eden ve ?suların paylaşımı?nıöngören Suriye ve Irak'ın tezleri; Üç Aşamalı Plan ile ?sınır aşan? iki nehrinsularının tahsisinin yapılabileceğini ifade eden Türkiye'nin tezleri ile çatışmaktadır.Türkiye Üç Aşamalı Plan yanında Barış Suyu Projesi ve Manavgat Projesi gibi çeşitliöneriler sunarak, Ortadoğu'nun su sorununa çözüm üretmeye çalışmıştır.Fırat, Dicle ve Asi nehirleri ile ilgili olarak, Suriye ve Irak ile arasında meydanagelen anlaşmazlık, Türkiye siyasetinde önemli bir yer işgal etmiş ve bölge ülkeleri ileolan ilişkilerini etkilemiştir. Ayrıca temel amacı, Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi'nindiğer bölgelerle arasındaki gelişmişlik farkını ortadan kaldırmak olan GüneydoğuAnadolu Projesi; çeşitli sulama, enerji, altyapı ve çevre projelerinin yanı sıra insanigelişmeye olanak sağlayan sosyal projeleri ile de arz ettiği ekonomik, sosyolojikönem dolayısıyla Türkiye'nin kalkınmasında itici bir unsur olacaktır. Bu ise sorununekonomik boyutu olduğunu da göstermektedir.Su sorununun, son dönem gelişmelerle beraber, tarafları ve niteliği bakımındanyeni boyutlar kazanmış olduğu görülmektedir. Sorunun, ABD'nin Irak'ı işgali ileoluşan yeni yönetim ve Avrupa Birliği'nin Fırat ve Dicle sularına artan ilgisiyle,kazandığı yeni boyutlarla artan önemi dolayısıyla, izlenmesi gereken yenistratejilerin belirlenmesinin gerekliliği açıktır.
ABSTRACTWater which can not be substituted by any other substance for the life, besides itsvital importance, is also essential for national development as it constitutes animportant input in agricultural production and energy generation. Due to itsimportance as an element of power with accompanying pressure of scarcity, waterhas influence on political and economic relations between countries, from time totime which could lead tensions in interaction with other political disputes of differentnature. When this issue is dealt within the context of international law, in variouspractices and studies, it is observed that the principles of ex equa et bono, reasonableand optimum usage as well as not to give significant harms to riparian countries areagreed upon widely.The conflict concerning Euphrates, Tigris and Asi rivers between Turkey, Syriaand Iraq has acquired a more appearent nature with the start of SoutheasternAnatolian Project of Turkey and in connection with other issues such as terrorismand Hatay has caused tensions. Syria and Iraq have opposed dams built within theproject by Turkey, particularly during the periods of water keeping for the dams, onthe grounds that water amount that they would get may decrease or would becontaminated, hence tried to bring the issue to international fora. Protocol of 1946were concluded between Iraq and Turkey and then 1987 Protocol were concludedbetween Syria and Turkey, under the 1987 Protocol regulating the present status ithas been decided to allocate an average of 500 cubic meters per second to Syria.However, Syria and Iraq, demand a new agreement between three countries and anincreased amount of water to be allocated. Taking into consideration the contributionand the water consumption targets of these countries, the total demand exceeds theexisting water potential of the rivers.The positions of Syria and Iraq which supposeEuphrates and Tigris rivers as international waters and thus envisaging 'watersharing', contradict with the Three Stage Plan of Turkey which foresees agreedallocation of water from the two transboundary rivers. Turkey, in addition to itsThree Stage Plan, has also made proposals such as Peace Pipeline and ManavgatProjects in order to find solutions to the water problem in the Middle East.The dispute with Syria and Iraq on Euphrates, Tigris and Asi has occupied animportant place in Turkish politics, and has affected its relations with the countries ofthe region. The Southeastern Anatolian Project, the basic aim of which is to eliminatethe regional imbalances, will be a driving force in the development of Turkey, withits various irrigation, energy, infrastructure and environment projects as well associal projects contributing to human development. This highlights the economicdimension of the question. The water problem seems to acquire new dimensions interms of its sides and nature. It is clear that due to increasing importance with newdimensions of the problem, after the new administration in Iraq following the USoccupation and the rising interest of the European Union in Euphrates and Tigrisrivers, it is a necessity to determine new strategies to be followed in this regard.
ABSTRACTWater which can not be substituted by any other substance for the life, besides itsvital importance, is also essential for national development as it constitutes animportant input in agricultural production and energy generation. Due to itsimportance as an element of power with accompanying pressure of scarcity, waterhas influence on political and economic relations between countries, from time totime which could lead tensions in interaction with other political disputes of differentnature. When this issue is dealt within the context of international law, in variouspractices and studies, it is observed that the principles of ex equa et bono, reasonableand optimum usage as well as not to give significant harms to riparian countries areagreed upon widely.The conflict concerning Euphrates, Tigris and Asi rivers between Turkey, Syriaand Iraq has acquired a more appearent nature with the start of SoutheasternAnatolian Project of Turkey and in connection with other issues such as terrorismand Hatay has caused tensions. Syria and Iraq have opposed dams built within theproject by Turkey, particularly during the periods of water keeping for the dams, onthe grounds that water amount that they would get may decrease or would becontaminated, hence tried to bring the issue to international fora. Protocol of 1946were concluded between Iraq and Turkey and then 1987 Protocol were concludedbetween Syria and Turkey, under the 1987 Protocol regulating the present status ithas been decided to allocate an average of 500 cubic meters per second to Syria.However, Syria and Iraq, demand a new agreement between three countries and anincreased amount of water to be allocated. Taking into consideration the contributionand the water consumption targets of these countries, the total demand exceeds theexisting water potential of the rivers.The positions of Syria and Iraq which supposeEuphrates and Tigris rivers as international waters and thus envisaging 'watersharing', contradict with the Three Stage Plan of Turkey which foresees agreedallocation of water from the two transboundary rivers. Turkey, in addition to itsThree Stage Plan, has also made proposals such as Peace Pipeline and ManavgatProjects in order to find solutions to the water problem in the Middle East.The dispute with Syria and Iraq on Euphrates, Tigris and Asi has occupied animportant place in Turkish politics, and has affected its relations with the countries ofthe region. The Southeastern Anatolian Project, the basic aim of which is to eliminatethe regional imbalances, will be a driving force in the development of Turkey, withits various irrigation, energy, infrastructure and environment projects as well associal projects contributing to human development. This highlights the economicdimension of the question. The water problem seems to acquire new dimensions interms of its sides and nature. It is clear that due to increasing importance with newdimensions of the problem, after the new administration in Iraq following the USoccupation and the rising interest of the European Union in Euphrates and Tigrisrivers, it is a necessity to determine new strategies to be followed in this regard.
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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