Kuzey Irak`ın Yapısı, Bölgedeki Oluşumlar, Bölge İçi ve Bölge Dışı Devletlerin Amaçları ve Etkileri

dc.contributor.advisorBal, İdris
dc.contributor.authorÇaykuş, Mustafa
dc.contributor.otherDepartment of International Relations
dc.departmentSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü / Uluslararası İlişkiler Ana Bilim Dalı
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY At the first part of this study it was investigated the history of the Northern Iraq area until the Gulf War period. Iraq is an artificial existence, which was created by UK at the beginning of the XX Century. This artificiality forms the main source of the problems encountered for Iraq and for the region. Furthermore the Northern Iraq has been a problem for the belonging nation and the region since the foreigners handle. At the second part, it was concluded that Northern Iraq was not northern part of 36 parallel, contrary of it was supposed. Northern Iraq area was determined according to the existence of common Kurdish population and petroleum, instead of geographical basis. Northern Iraq has an ethnic, social and economical form always suitable to create a conflict. At the third part, the studies that have been done by USA in order to establish an influence area and control support point were studied later 1991 Gulf War. USA has strived for approximately ten years in order to reconcile always-conflicting IKDP and KYB. Finally USA succeeded to make an agreement between them. Beside that, while some neighboring countries in the region were supporting some of them were obstructing this initiations. At the fourth part, why the big countries and neighboring countries have seen Northern Iraq for their benefits, what are their aims and their roles in the progress of the region were evaluated. It was seen that the concerns about petrol and security were the most important reasons. Democracy, human rights and struggle against the global terrorism have been most common statements for expansion. The occupying Iraq was a part of the strategy to have guaranty of the petrol flu over Middle East and to provide the security of Israel. The establishing a government on federation basis and liable to the external will be source of new conflicts for all Middle East region.en
dc.institutionauthorBal, İdris
dc.subjectUluslararası İlişkiler
dc.subjectInternational Relationsen_US
dc.titleKuzey Irak`ın Yapısı, Bölgedeki Oluşumlar, Bölge İçi ve Bölge Dışı Devletlerin Amaçları ve Etkileri
dc.typeMaster Thesis
