Lewis Carroll'ın Alice's Adventures İn Wonderland (1865) ve C.s. Lewis'nin The Magician's Nephew Romanlarında İkincil Dünya Fantazilerinin İncelenmesi

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Department of English Language and Literature
Founded in 1997, the Department of English Language and Literature is one of the first Departments of Atılım University. Through the graduate and doctorate degree programs in addition to the undergraduate program, the Department raises students and academicians. At the Department of English Language and Literature, we aim to graduate students who have studied and learned the English language and literature at an advanced level and developed the skill to produce ideas; as well as the ability to do analyses and academic research on literature. In addition to granting our students with the opportunity to develop their backgrounds in general culture, the education that we offer contributes to their interest and knowledge in contemporary and current issues. Accredited for 5 years from February 24th 2019 by FEDEK, our undergraduate program grants our students the opportunity to join Double-Major or Minor programs in Translation and Interpretation, and International Relations. Another option for the students of our Department is the Erasmus Exchange Program.

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Bu tezin amacı Lewis Carroll'ın Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ve C.S. Lewis'in the Magician's Nephew romanlarını birincil dünya düzenindeki gerçeklik ve olasılık kavramlarıyla ilişkili olarak, 'gerçeklik' kavramının metinlerdeki ikincil dünyalarda nasıl biçimlendirildiği ve ifade edildiği ve fantastik ögeler içeren metinlerin, gerçeklik kavramının biçimlendirilmesiyle bağlantılı olarak nasıl sınıflandırıldığı üzerinden incelemektir. Tezin teori bölümünde, fantastik edebiyat eleştirisinin yirminci yüzyıldaki gelişim süreci, türün karakteristik özelliklerini ve fantastik ile gerçeklik arasındaki ilişkiyi açıklayan, J.R.R. Tolkien, Tzevetan Todorov, Eric S. Rabkin ve Rosemary Jackson tarafından yazılmış başlıca metinler incelenmiştir. Analitik bölümlerde Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ve the Magician's Nephew romanlarının fantastik ögeler içeren metinler olarak, fantastik edebiyat için önemi, bu metinlerdeki fantastik elementlerin teori bölümünde açıklanan metinlerin ele alınması yoluyla incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak fantastik, kişiler ve toplumların bilinçaltı arzularının tersine çevirme ve ortaya koyma yoluyla ifade edilmesidir, ancak içinde fantastik ögeler barındıran her metin, fantastik edebiyat ürünü değildir, çünkü fantastik edebiyat metinler, fantastiği ve doğaüstünü, gerçek olarak kabul etmelidir. Bu durumda, C. S. Lewis'in eseri bir fantastik edebiyat ürünü olarak sınıflandırılabilirken, Lewis Carroll'ın eseri için aynı durum geçerli değildir, zira Carroll'ın eseri içinde fantastik ögeler barından bir rüyanın hikâyesidir.
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the fantasy lands in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and C.S. Lewis's the Magician's Nephew in relation to concepts of reality and possibility of the primary world order, through and exploration of how the notion of 'reality' is formed and manifested in the fantasy lands portrayed in these texts and how categorization of a text with fantasy elements depends on the formation of reality. The theoretical chapter presents a survey of the development of the criticism on literary fantasy in the twentieth-century through an exploration of some major texts which explains the characteristics of fantasy literature and the relationship of fantasy and reality by J.R.R Tolkien, Tzevetan Todorov, Eric S. Rabkin and Rosemary Jackson. In the analytical chapters the significance of Alice's Adventure in Wonderland and the Magician's Nephew as texts with fantasy elements to the literary fantasy is explored and the portrayal of fantastic within these texts is analyzed in the lights of the critical views discussed in the analytical chapter. It is concluded that fantasy is an expression of unconscious desires of individuals and societies which are portrayed through reversal or manifestation, yet not every text with fantasy elements can be categorized as a work of fantasy literature since such works need to portray an acceptance of fantasy and suspension of disbelief, therefore while C.S. Lewis work can be analyzed as a work of fantasy genre, the same cannot be stated for Lewis Carroll's work which is a story of a dream with fantasy elements in it.



İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, Bilinçaltı, Carroll, Lewis, Doğaüstü, English Linguistics and Literature, Fantastik, Subconscious, Carroll, Lewis, Fantastik roman, Supernatural, Fantastic, Gerçeklik, Fantastic novel, Lewis, Clive Staples, Reality, Lewis, Clive Staples, Roman, Novel

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