Development of Ni-al/Nb2al Composites for Aircraft Engine Applications Produced by a Combined Method: Sintering + Forging

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Mechanical Engineering
The Atılım University Department of Mechanical Engineering started education in 2009, and offers graduate and doctorate degree programs, in addition to its undergraduate program. Our main goal is to graduate Mechanical Engineers who have the skills to design, analyze and synthesize; who are able to convert advanced technology and innovations into products; and who have the culture of research and cooperation. While our graduates reach this goal, they adopt the principle of life-long learning, and develop a sense of entrepreneurship, paying importance to professional ethics. With a curriculum prepared in line with the criteria of MÜDEK, we help our students develop themselves professionally, and socially. Graduates of mechanical engineering may be employed in many sectors and in a wide array of positions. Able to work under any field that involves production and energy conversion, graduates of the department may also gain expertise in fields such as aviation, automotive, or material engineering.

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In this study, the microstructural formation and static/dynamic compression behaviour of the recycled Ni-Al/Nb2Al/ZrO2 matrix-hybrid composites reinforced with Nb and ZrO2 will be studied. It is intended to be an alternative to traditional alloys/composites used in the aeronautical industry. These composites are generally produced by using combined sintering + forging processes. The static and dynamic properties will be evaluated in detail, considering the relevant scanning electron microscopy (SEM) microstructures, including the distribution of reinforcement elements. © 2023, The Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc.



Nb<sub>2</sub>Al, NiAl-recycled composites, SEM microstructure, Static and dynamic tests, ZrO<sub>2</sub>

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Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series -- SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, 2022 -- 13 June 2022 through 16 June 2022 -- Pittsburgh -- 286979



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