Jeanette Winterson'un 'Tutku' ve 'Vişnenin Cinsiyeti' adlı romanlarındaki tarih ve fantazinin kullanımı

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Department of English Language and Literature
Founded in 1997, the Department of English Language and Literature is one of the first Departments of Atılım University. Through the graduate and doctorate degree programs in addition to the undergraduate program, the Department raises students and academicians. At the Department of English Language and Literature, we aim to graduate students who have studied and learned the English language and literature at an advanced level and developed the skill to produce ideas; as well as the ability to do analyses and academic research on literature. In addition to granting our students with the opportunity to develop their backgrounds in general culture, the education that we offer contributes to their interest and knowledge in contemporary and current issues. Accredited for 5 years from February 24th 2019 by FEDEK, our undergraduate program grants our students the opportunity to join Double-Major or Minor programs in Translation and Interpretation, and International Relations. Another option for the students of our Department is the Erasmus Exchange Program.

Journal Issue


Bu tezin amacı Jeanette Winterson'ın Tutku ve Vişnenin Cinsiyeti adlı romanlarını postmodern edebiyat çerçevesinde tarihsel üstkurmaca ve büyülü gerçekçilik tartışmalarına yol açacak olan tarih ve fantezi kullanımı bakımından incelemektir. Bu çalışma yazarın söz konusu postmodern yazım tekniklerini ataerkil değerleri çarpıtmak için kullandığını göstermektedir. Giriş bölümünde postmodernizmin sosyo-kültürel ve tarihsel geçmişi, tarihsel üstkurmaca, büyülü gerçekçilik, cinsiyet ve cinsiyet rolleri kavramları, Jeanette Winterson'ın edebi biyografisi ve eserlerine ilişkin detaylı bilgi verilmiştir. Gelişme bölümündeki incelemelerle amaçlanan Winterson'ın her iki romandaki karakterler aracılığıyla kadınlık ve erkeklik arasındaki ayrımı bulanıklaştırdığını, böylece ataerkilliğin belirlediği geleneksel cinsiyet rollerini çarpıttığını metinlerden seçilen ifadelerle ispatlamaktır. Ayrıca Winterson hem tarihi hem de fantastik ortam ve karakterler yoluyla ve olağandışı unsurlarla gerçek ve fantezi sınırlarını aşmakta, ayrıca ataerkil toplumun belirlediği gelenek, kanun, kurum, norm, inanç ve geleneksel kuralları reddetmektedir. Sonuç olarak alternatif gerçeklikler ve tarihler sunarak, Winterson toplumdaki susturulmuş grup olan kadınların sesini duyurmakta, böylece kadınlar üzerindeki ataerkil hakimiyet ve baskıya karşı durmaktadır.
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze Jeanette Winterson?s The Passion and Sexing the Cherry in terms of the uses of history and fantasy which will lead to a discussion of historiographic metafiction and magic realism within the framework of postmodern literature. This study demonstrates that the writer uses these postmodern ways of writing as means of subverting traditional patriarchal value structures. In the introduction chapter, information concerning socio-cultural and historical background of postmodernism, postmodern literature which includes postmodern literary techniques of historiographic metafiction and magic realism, the concepts of sex, gender, and gender roles and the literary biography and works of Jeanette Winterson has been given in great detail. Throughout the analysis in the body chapter, the aim was to prove with evidences from the texts that through the characters in both novels, Winterson blurs the line between femininity and masculinity; thus, subverts traditional gender roles which are assigned by patriarchy. Furthermore, through the settings and characters which are both historical and fantastic and by using unusual elements, Winterson transgresses the boundaries of fact and fantasy and rejects traditions, laws, institutions, norms, beliefs, and traditional rules which are established by the patriarchal society. As a result, by providing alternative realities and histories, she gives voice to women who are the silenced group in the society; thus stands against patriarchal domination and oppression over women.



İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, Ataerkil, Fantezi, Postmodernizm, Roman, English Linguistics and Literature, Patriarchal, Tarih, Fantasy, Tarihi roman, Postmodernism, Novel, Tarihselcilik, History, Historical novels, Winterson, Jeanette, Historicism, İngiliz edebiyatı, Winterson, Jeanette, English literature, İngiliz romanı, British novel

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