Belediye yöneticileri gözünden Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartı'nın incelenmesi

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Department of Public Administration and Political Science
The graduate programs offered by our department includes a master program and a PhD program in Political Science and Public Administration. Master program includes thesis and non-thesis options. The overall aim of our graduate programs is to prepare students for specialization in Political Science and Public Administration. The curricula of our programs are carefully designed to achieve this aim. All programs offered by our department are supported by our highly qualified departmental faculty members. Our master programs provide students with both practical skills and sound theoretical knowledge. They also provide students with good understanding of Turkish and World politics and administration. While the non-thesis studens will conduct a project, the thesis students will conduct a larger research and write a thesis. Our PhD program prepares students for academic careers in political science and public administration. The program is designed to provide students with substantive theoretical knowledge and research skills. It helps students to develop analytical skills and critical thinking. It also helps students to specialize in at least one sub-field of political science and public administration and to produce not only a PhD thesis but also scholarly articles and books.

Journal Issue


Çalışma 2 bölüm halinde incelenmiştir. Birinci bölümünde, tezin ana temasını oluşturan özerklik kavramına açıklık getirilmeye ve Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartı incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. 1580 sayılı Belediye Kanunu ve Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Şartı sonrasında yürürlüğe giren 5393 sayılı Belediye Kanunu incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde ise Özerklik Şartında belirtilen hükümlerin 5393 sayılı Belediye Kanunu'na ne kadar yansıtıldığı, uygulamada ne kadar fayda sağladığı ve söz konusu kanun ile ilgili olarak belediye yöneticilerinin görüşlerinin alınması maksadıyla 100 kişiye uygulanan 20 sorudan oluşan ve 5'li likerte göre uyarlanan bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır.Bu çalışmada belediyelerin idari ve mali özerkliklerinin 5393 sayılı Belediye Kanunu ile ne kadar sağlandığı incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.Yapılan anketler sonucunda bazı hususlarda belediyeler üzerindeki idari vesayetin kaldırılması ile idari özerkliğin kısmen de olsa sağlandığı, ancak mali özerklik konusunda bir gelişme sağlanamadığı sonucuna varılabilecek cevaplar alınmıştır.
This work was analyzed in two parts. In the first part, it tries to bring clarity to the concept of autonomy whicw is the main subject of thesis and to examine European Charter Of Local Self-Government. It also examines the Municipal Law No.1580 and the Municipal Law No.5393 which came into force after European Charter Of Local-Government.As for second part of the study, in order to get how much the rules reflected to the Municipal Law No.5393, how much benefit is getting from the practice, and get opinion of tne municipialty administratiors, an inquiry, which practiced on 100 individuals, includead 20 questions which are according to five-point likert adapted quintet system, has been done.In this study, it is tried to evaluated how much provided by the Municipal Law No.5393 about administrative and financial autonomş of municipalities. As a result of inquiries done, it was seen that with the renoval of administrative totalage on the municipality administrative autonomy was somehow provided, but no progress on financial autonomy.



Kamu Yönetimi, Avrupa Yerel Yönetimler Özerklik Şartı, Belediyeler, Public Administration, Yerel yönetimler, European Charter of Local Self-Government, Municipalities, Yerellik, Local administrations, Yerinden yönetim, Locality, Decentralization, Özerklik, Autonomy

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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