Frankenstein ve Dracula adlı romanlardaki gotik öğeler: Canavar temsilinde tekinsizlik

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Department of English Language and Literature
Founded in 1997, the Department of English Language and Literature is one of the first Departments of Atılım University. Through the graduate and doctorate degree programs in addition to the undergraduate program, the Department raises students and academicians. At the Department of English Language and Literature, we aim to graduate students who have studied and learned the English language and literature at an advanced level and developed the skill to produce ideas; as well as the ability to do analyses and academic research on literature. In addition to granting our students with the opportunity to develop their backgrounds in general culture, the education that we offer contributes to their interest and knowledge in contemporary and current issues. Accredited for 5 years from February 24th 2019 by FEDEK, our undergraduate program grants our students the opportunity to join Double-Major or Minor programs in Translation and Interpretation, and International Relations. Another option for the students of our Department is the Erasmus Exchange Program.

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Frankenstein ve Dracula adlı romanlardaki Gotik Öğeler: Canavar temsilinde tekinsizlik. Bu çalışmada on dokuzuncu yüzyıl İngiliz yazarları Marry Shelley ve Bram Stoker'ın Frankenstein ve Dracula başlıklı romanları, tekinsizlik bağlamında Sigmund Freud'un 'The Uncanny' başlıklı makalesi temel alınarak incelenmiş ve her iki romanda da okuyucuyu ve karakterleri tekinsizlik kavramına sürükleyen durumlar açıklanmıştır. İnceleme her iki romanın da baş karakterleri olan 'Canavar' ve Jonathan Harker' ın gerek içinde bulundukları tekinsiz durumlar, gerekse çevrelerindekileri sürükledikleri bu alışılmadık durum, Gothic romanın temel elemanları dikkate alınarak çlışılmıştır. Her iki romanda da gotik unsurların, karakterler özelinde okuyucu üzerinde korku ve tekinsizlik ortaya çıkardığı görülmüştür. Bu his, insanları Freud'un tabiriyle alışık oldukları durumlar içinde alışık olmadıkları yaklaşımlar yaşamaya iter. Böylece karakterler korkuyu içselleştirerek hayatı sorgulamaya başlarlar. Bunu yalnızca karakterler değil, okuyucular da aynı bağlamda hissedebilirler. Gotik romanın amaçlarından biri olan okuyucuyu korku ve tereddüte sevk etmek, bu romanlarda gerek ana karakter gerekse yardımcı karakterler aracılığıyla aktarılmıştır. Bu tezde gotik yaratıklar ve onların ortaya çıkardığı alışılmadık durumlar, Freud'un makalesi temel alınarak romanın gotik öğeleri çerçevesinde aynı dönemde yazılan iki faklı roman üzerinden aktarılacaktır.
Gothic Elements as Reflected in Frankenstein and Dracula: The Uncanny in The Representation of Evil In this thesis, the novels of the nineteenth century British writers Mary Shelley and Bram Stoker and their novels Frankenstein and Dracula are examined respectively with reference to Sigmund Freud's article titled 'The Uncanny' focusing on the context of the uncanny and the situations that lead readers and characters to the concept of the uncanny. In both novels, the main characters 'Monster' and Jonathan Harker have been elaborated by taking into account the uncanny situations they are in and around them, based on the the basic elements of the Gothic novel. In both novels, it is seen that gothic elements caused fear and uncanny on the reader and the characters as well. This feeling pushes people to adopt unfamiliar approaches in situations they are or not used to. Thus, the characters begin to question life by internalising fear. Not only characters, but readers can feel it in the same vein. One of the aims of the gothic novel which is to drive the reader to fear and hesitation, is conveyed through both the main and minor characters in these novels. In this thesis, the gothic creatures and their unusual situations will be analysed in the two novels written in the same periods within the framework of the gothic elements based on Freud's article.



İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı, Canavar, Dracula, Frankenstein, Freud, Sigmund, English Linguistics and Literature, Monster, Gotik, Dracula, Gotik roman, Frankenstein, Freud, Sigmund, Roman, Gothic, Gothic novel, Shelley, Mary, Novel, Stoker, Bram, Shelley, Mary, Stoker, Bram, Tekinsiz, Unconny

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