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Department of Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Department of Atılım University, this opportunity can be attained by two Master of Science programs (with thesis or non-thesis). These programs are divided into the following subdivisions: 1) Construction Management, 2) Materials of Construction, 3) Geotechnical Engineering, 4) Hydromechanics and Water Resources Engineering, 5) Structural Engineering and Mechanics, and 6) Transportation Engineering. So, you can find among these alternatives, a subdiscipline that focuses on your interests and allows you to work toward your career goals. Civil Engineering Department of Atılım University which has a friendly faculty comprised of members with degrees from renowned international universities, laboratories for both educational and research purposes, and other facilities like computer infrastructure and classrooms well-suited for a good graduate education.

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V ÖZET BİR LINUX PC KÜMESİ ÜZERİNDE PVM VE MPI PARALEL BİLGİİŞLEM İLETİŞİM ARAYÜZLERİNİN PERFORMANSLARININ İNCELENMESİ BAŞGÖK, Burak Yüksek Lisans Bitirme Projesi, Uluslararası Bilgisayar Enstitüsü, Bitirme Proje Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Mehmet Emin DALKILIÇ Eylül 2003, 30 sayfa Bu projede, gerekli donanım ve yazılım bileşenleri kullanılarak bir Linux PC kümesi oluşturulmuş ve bu küme üzerinde PVM ve MPI paralel iletişim arayüzlerinin performans incelemesi, bilgisayarda üç boyutlu foto-gerçekçi görüntüler oluşturmak amacıyla kullanılan POVRAY yazılımı ve yanısıra hem PVM hem de MPI arayüzleri ile uyumlu şekilde paralel olarak çalışabilen iki farklı POVRAY uyarlaması olan PVMPOV ve MPI-Povray kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ayrıca HPL (High Performance Linpack) denektaşı testi kullanılarak Linux kümesinin 'Gflops' cinsinden performansı tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Küme bilgi-işlem, Linux PC kümeleri, PVM, MPI, POVRAY, PVMPOV, MPI-Povray, HPL, Linpack
VII ABSTRACT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PVM AND MPI PARALLEL COMPUTING COMMUNICATION INTERFACES ON A LINUX PC CLUSTER BAŞGÖK, Burak MSc. Graduation Project, International Computer Institute Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin DALKILIÇ September 2003, 30 pages In this project, a Linux PC cluster is built using the necessary hardware and software components and on this cluster, the performance of PVM and MPI parallel communication APIs is evaluated by using the 3D photo-realistic graphics rendering and ray-tracing engine, POVRAY and its parallel versions PVMPOV and MPI-Povray which are compatible with PVM and MPI respectively. The performance of the cluster in terms of 'Gflops' is also determined by using the HPL (High Performance Linpack) benchmark. Keywords: Cluster computing, Linux PC clusters, PVM, MPI, POVRAY, PVMPOV, MPI-Povray, HPL, Linpack



İnşaat Mühendisliği, Civil Engineering

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