İlamlı icrada taşınmazın tahliyesi ve teslimi

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Started in 2003 with 21 students, the Atılım University School of Law has so far graduated over 1700 students, and currently offers education for more than 1300 students. With the aim stressed by our Founding Dean Prof. Dr. Nami Çağan, we grant students with the background that allows them to access and evaluate information, rather than overloading them with information dumps during our education and training in the field of law. With a curriculum prepared with this approach and our mission in mind, we aim to graduate our students as actual legal experts who have internalized ethical rules, who are knowledgeable in terms of rules and institutions; and who are cultured, versatile, broad-visioned and inquisitive. In addition to basic courses in law conducted by our academic staff as pioneers of their field with respect to these principles, elective courses are available pursuant to current events such as those in mediation for legal disagreements, law and women, sports law, informatics law, media law and legal English; as well as law clinics to offer effective and interactive education. In addition, graduate and doctorate degree programs, alongside certificate programs such as those to train experts, peace-makers, mediators, and trustees in composition, are underway. A member of the European Law Faculties Association (ELFA), our School offers international relations and events, the Erasmus+ program, national and international fictional court contests, law and art days prepared by our student networks, or career forums in law to collaborate in the personal development of our students.

Journal Issue


İlâmlı icrada taşınmazın tahliyesi ve teslimi, İcra ve İflas Kanunu'nda 26 ile 29. maddeler arasında düzenlenen bir hukuki kurumdur. Bu takip yolu ile alacaklı, mahkemeden almış olduğu, taşınmazın tahliyesi hakkında lehine bir hüküm içeren ilamı icra dairesine vererek takip talebinde bulunur. İcra dairesi takip talebini aldıktan sonra, ilamda adı geçen taşınmazın tahliyesini ve teslimini emreden bir icra emri düzenleyip bunu taşınmazı elinde tutan borçluya gönderir. Gönderilen icra emrinde borçlunun söz konusu taşınmazı yedi gün içinde tahliye ve teslim etmesi istenir. Borçlu kendisine verilen bu emri tutar ve taşınmazı yedi gün içerisinde tahliye ve teslim ederse ilamlı icra takibi son bulur. Borçlu yedi gün içerisinde taşınmazı tahliye ve teslim etmezse icra memuru tarafından taşınmazdan zorla çıkarılır. Yapılan bu çalışmada amaç, ilamlı icrada taşınmazın tahliyesi ve teslimi kurumunu tüm yönleriyle inceleyerek bu hukuki kurumun açıklanmasına ışık tutmak, aynı zamanda uygulamada ortaya çıkan ve hem alacaklı hem de borçlunun veya üçüncü kişilerin mağduriyetlerine yol açan bazı durumların üzerinde durularak, bu gibi durumların önüne geçilmesi için zorunlu hangi kanuni düzenlemelerin yapılması gerektiğini belirlemektir. Anahtar Sözcükler ilam, icra, taşınmaz, tahliye, teslim
Vacate and return of the immovable asset is a judicial process in accordance with the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law, covering, the articles no 26 to 29. The Court's judgement rendered in favour of the Claimant which orders to vacate and return process of the immovable asset, should be delivered to the enforcement office by the Claimant for requesting a follow-up to satisfy his claim. Following the receipt of the execution request of the Claimant, the enforcement office by referring to the writ, sends an enforcement order regarding vacating and returning of the immovable asset The debtor should comply with the said enforcement order within seven days of the receipt of notice to evacuate and return of the asset If and when the debtor fulfils the order by vacating and returning the immovable asset, the enforcement action will be waived. If and when the parties fail to vacate or return the immovable asset, then the bailiff will evacuate it by force. The objective of this study is to provide an insight to explain the judicial process of the enforcement order served with a writ for an immovable asset, and is to observe every aspect of it in order to highlight some shortcomings for the claimant, debtor and/or the third party which make them suffer when practicing the law, and to identify the necessary new legal legislations to be introduced to avoid such unpleasant conditions. Key Words: Writ, enforcement, immovable asset, vacate, return.



Hukuk, Gayrimenkuller, Law, Tahliye, Real estates, Teslimat, Release, Delivery, İlamlı icra, Execution performing

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