Karmaşık sistemler için veritabanı tasarım yöntemi

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Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Information Systems Engineering
Information Systems is an academic and professional discipline which follows data collection, utilization, storage, distribution, processing and management processes and modern technologies used in this field. Our department implements a pioneering and innovative education program that aims to raise the manpower, able to meet the changing and developing needs and expectations of our country and the world. Our courses on current information technologies especially stand out.
Organizational Unit
Software Engineering
Department of Software Engineering was founded in 2005 as the first department in Ankara in Software Engineering. The recent developments in current technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Blockchains, have placed Software Engineering among the top professions of today, and the future. The academic and research activities in the department are pursued with qualified faculty at Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctorate Degree levels. Our University is one of the two universities offering a Doctorate-level program in this field. In addition to focusing on the basic phases of software (analysis, design, development, testing) and relevant methodologies in detail, our department offers education in various areas of expertise, such as Object-oriented Analysis and Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Software Quality Assurance, Software Requirement Engineering, Software Design and Architecture, Software Project Management, Software Testing and Model-Driven Software Development. The curriculum of our Department is catered to graduate individuals who are prepared to take part in any phase of software development of large-scale software in line with the requirements of the software sector. Department of Software Engineering is accredited by MÜDEK (Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs) until September 30th, 2021, and has been granted the EUR-ACE label that is valid in Europe. This label provides our graduates with a vital head-start to be admitted to graduate-level programs, and into working environments in European Union countries. The Big Data and Cloud Computing Laboratory, as well as MobiLab where mobile applications are developed, SimLAB, the simulation laboratory for Medical Computing, and software education laboratories of the department are equipped with various software tools and hardware to enable our students to use state-of-the-art software technologies. Our graduates are employed in software and R&D companies (Technoparks), national/international institutions developing or utilizing software technologies (such as banks, healthcare institutions, the Information Technologies departments of private and public institutions, telecommunication companies, TÜİK, SPK, BDDK, EPDK, RK, or universities), and research institutions such TÜBİTAK.

Journal Issue


Yazılımın kalitesi, kullanıcıların ihtiyaçlarını ve memnuniyetlerini sağlamakla doğrudan ilgilidir. Kullanıcı gereksinimlerini yazılım süreçlerine yansıtmak için, veritabanı modelinin doğru tasarlanması, yazılım geliştirme sürecinde kritik bir aşamayı oluşturur. Veritabanı tasarımı, kullanıcıların veriler ile ilgili tüm gereksinimleri modellemeleri için önemli bir araçtır. Veritabanı tasarımındaki olası hatalı durumlar, tüm yazılım geliştirme süreçlerine yansımaktadır. Olası hatalı durumlar aynı zamanda yazılımda ve amaçlanan sistemin işlevselliğinde sürekli değişimlere de sebep olabilmektedir. Bu durum kullanıcıların memnuniyetsizliğiyle sonuçlanabilir. Bu bağlamda, kullanıcı gereksinimlerini veritabanı modelinde tam olarak yansıtmak ve veritabanının yazılım geliştirme sürecinde yer alan herkes tarafından doğru anlaşılması, yazılım sistemleri geliştirmedeki başarıyı doğrudan etkileyen bir faktördür. Bu çalışmada, karmaşıklık derecesini azaltarak veritabanı modellerinin anlaşılabilirliğini artırmak ve yazılım kalitesini yükseltmek amacıyla iki aşamalı bir kavramsal veri modelleme yöntemi önerilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın başında önerilen iki aşamalı kavramsal veri modelleme anlatılmaktadır. Sonrasında deneysel çalışmalar ve formüller yoluyla, önerilen yöntemin yazılım mühendislerinin kavrayışı üzerindeki etkisi incelenmekte ve sonuçlar değerlendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda, önerilen iki aşamalı kavramsal modelleme yönteminin yazılım mühendislerinin kavrayışını kolaylaştırdığı ve bu aşamadaki olası hataları önleyebileceği görülmektedir.
The quality of the software is directly related to addressing the users' needs and their level of satisfaction. To reflect user requirements to the software processes, correct design of the database model provides a critical stage during software development. Database design is a fundamental tool for modeling all the requirements related to users' data. The possible faulty conditions in database design have adverse effects on all of the software development processes. The possible faulty conditions can also cause continuous changes in the software and the desired functionality of the targeted system which may result in user dissatisfaction. In this context, reflecting the user requirements accurately in the database model and understanding of the database model correctly by every stakeholder involved in the software development process is the factor that directly affects the success of the software systems. In this study, a two-stage conceptual data modeling approach is proposed to reduce the level of complexity, to improve the understandability of database models and to improve the quality of the software. This study first describes the proposed two-stage conceptual data modeling. Then the proposed method?s impact on software engineers? comprehension is also investigated and the results are examined. Results of this study show that, the proposed two-stage conceptual modeling approach improves the understanding level of software engineers and eliminates possible defects in this stage.



Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Kavramsal veri modeli, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control, Veri tabanı tasarımı, Conceptual data model, Database design, Yazılım geliştirme, Software development

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