Sorumluluk hukukunda zor durumda kalma

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Started in 2003 with 21 students, the Atılım University School of Law has so far graduated over 1700 students, and currently offers education for more than 1300 students. With the aim stressed by our Founding Dean Prof. Dr. Nami Çağan, we grant students with the background that allows them to access and evaluate information, rather than overloading them with information dumps during our education and training in the field of law. With a curriculum prepared with this approach and our mission in mind, we aim to graduate our students as actual legal experts who have internalized ethical rules, who are knowledgeable in terms of rules and institutions; and who are cultured, versatile, broad-visioned and inquisitive. In addition to basic courses in law conducted by our academic staff as pioneers of their field with respect to these principles, elective courses are available pursuant to current events such as those in mediation for legal disagreements, law and women, sports law, informatics law, media law and legal English; as well as law clinics to offer effective and interactive education. In addition, graduate and doctorate degree programs, alongside certificate programs such as those to train experts, peace-makers, mediators, and trustees in composition, are underway. A member of the European Law Faculties Association (ELFA), our School offers international relations and events, the Erasmus+ program, national and international fictional court contests, law and art days prepared by our student networks, or career forums in law to collaborate in the personal development of our students.

Journal Issue


818 sayılı Borçlar Kanunu'nda 'zor durumda kalma' anlamında olmak üzere 'müzayaka' kelimesi kullanılmıştır. Müzayakanın Türk Dil Kurumu sözlüğündeki kelime anlamı 'sıkıntı, darlık, parasızlık'tır. Müzayaka hali bir hukuksal kurum olarak 818 sayılı Borçlar Kanunu'nun 21, 30/2 ve 44/2 maddelerinde yer almaktaydı. 6098 sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanunu'nun kabulüyle dil yönünden yapılan arılaştırma neticesinde müzayaka kelimesinin karşılığı olarak TBK'nın 28 ve 38'inci maddelerinde 'zor durumda kalma', 52'nci maddede ise 'yoksulluğa düşme' tabirleri kullanılmış ancak bu durum uygulamada bir değişiklik yaratmamıştır. Bu tez çalışmasında, TBK m.28'de yer alan aşırı yararlanmada, karşılıklı edimler arasındaki aşırı oransızlığın bir tarafın zor durumda kalmasından yararlanılarak gerçekleştirilmesi hali, TBK m.38/2'de yer alan bir hakkın veya kanundan doğan bir yetkinin kullanılacağı korkutmasıyla diğer tarafın zor durumda kalmasından aşırı menfaat sağlanması hali ve TBK m.52/2'de yer alan, tazminatı ödediğinde yoksulluğa düşecek tazminat yükümlüsünün zarara, hafif kusuruyla sebebiyet vermesi ve hakkaniyetin de bunu gerektirmesi halinde tazminatta bir indirim sebebi olma durumu incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, sorumluluk hukukunda 'müzayaka' haline bağlanan hüküm ve sonuçlar incelenmiştir. Ancak eBK'dan farklı olarak TBK'da müzayaka kavramına yer verilmediğinden 'Sorumluluk Hukukunda Zor Durumda Kalma' başlığı tercih edilmiştir. 'Zor Durumda Kalma' kavramı eBK'daki 'Müzayaka' hali için kullanılmıştır.
In the Code of Obligations No. 818, the word 'distress' was used to mean 'being in a difficult situation'. The linguistic meaning of the state of distress in the Turkish Language Association dictionary is 'distress, hardship, poverty.' The state of distress as a factor is included in Articles 21, 30/2 and 44/2 by the Code of Obligations No. 818. As a result of the language purism with the adoption of the Turkish Code of Obligations (TCO) No. 6098, the expressions of 'to be in a difficult situation' in the 28th and 38th articles of the TCO, and 'falling into poverty' in the 52nd article were used as a synonym for the distress, by not creating a change in practice. In this thesis study, the undue influence (lesion) situation stated in TCO article 28, where there is a clear disparity between the parties' obligations as a result of one party's benefit of being in a difficult situation, the state of taking excessive advantage of the difficult situation of other party by intimidation of enforcing a legal right or legal power stated TCO article 38/2, and the state of reduction in the compensation stated in TCO article 52/2, for which the compensation liable with slight fault would be impoverished and require equity by paying the full compensation, were queried. In this study, the provisions and results related to 'distress' in liability law were inspected. However, unlike the old Code of Obligations (eBK), since the concept of distress is not included in the TCO, the title of 'Being in a Difficult Situation in Liability Law' was preferred. The concept of 'being in a difficult situation' was used for the 'State of Distress' in the eBK.



Hukuk, Hafif kusurla yoksulluğa düşme, Law, Hukuki sorumluluk, Impoverishment by slight fault, Müzayaka, Legal responsibility, Distress, Zor durum, Business exigencies

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