OECD ülkelerinde genişbant internet talebi: Panel veri uygulaması

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Founded in 1997, the Department of Economics is among the founding departments of our University. The Department offers two extensive undergraduate programs, either in English or in Turkish. Our undergraduate programs are catered to developing our students’ skills of analytical thinking, and to practical education. In this regard, the Social Sciences Research and Training Laboratory, founded under the guidance of our department, offers hands-on training to our own students, students and academicians from other universities, and public institutions. Our Department also offers a Graduate Degree Program in Applied Economy and a Doctorate Degree Program in Political Economy for graduates of undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
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In parallel to our vision and mission statements, we offer graduate programs in Business Administration, Finance, Healthcare Management fields, either in Turkish or English as medium of instruction. Programs in English appeal to foreign students as well as Turkish ones for that we offer education through the latest that science has reached. We also offer online Master’s programs to students who cannot attend to our full-time programs.

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Bilgiye erişimin ve bu bilginin etkin kullanımının ülkelere rekabet avantajı sağladığı günümüz iktisadi koşullarında geniş bant internet hizmeti en önemli altyapı unsurlarından biridir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmada OECD ülkelerindeki geniş bant internet talebinin panel veri ve yatay kesit analizleri ile 2006, 2008 ve 2010 yılları için kişi başına düşen gelir, ortalama internet fiyatları, ortalama internet hızları, megabit başına düşen ortalama fiyatlar, ülkelerin sahip oldukları genç nüfus oranları ve genişbant internet teknolojilerinin kullanıldığı yıl sayılarından oluşan bir veri seti kullanılarak incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Ampirik sonuçlar, ülkelerdeki kişi başına düşen gelirin, ortalama internet hızının ve genişbant teknolojisinin kullanıldığı yıl sayısının; genişbant internet talebini etkileyen önemli faktörler olduğunu göstermiştir. Genç nüfus oranı talebi etkileyen bir faktör değilken, fiyat etkisi zaman içinde azalmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda genişbant internetinin günümüzde kullanımı zorunlu olan mal ve hizmetler içerisinde yer aldığı tespit edilmiştir.
Broadband internet service is one of the most important infrastructure elements due to the fact that the access to information and the effective use of this information provides a competitive advantage to the countries in the current economic conditions. In this respect, this study aims to analyze the broadband internet demand in OECD countries by employing panel data and cross sectional analyses using the 2006, 2008 and 2010 data. The model includes the variables such as per capita income, average internet price, average internet speed, average price per megabit, youth population rates and the number of years in which internet technologies have been used.Empirical results have shown that per capita income in the countries, the average internet speed and the number of years in which broadband internet technologies have been used are the statistically significant factors that affect the demand for broadband internet. While the rate of youth population turned out to have no effect on demand for the broadband internet, the effect of price has decreased over time. It is also found that, the broadband internet is taking its place among the necessary goods and services recently.



Ekonomi, İşletme, Esneklik, Geniş bantlı şebekeler, Economics, Müşteri seçimi, Business Administration, OECD ülkeleri, Flexibility, Broadband networks, Panel veri modelleri, Customer selection, OECD countries, Talep, Panel data models, İnternet, Demand, Internet, İnternet kullanımı, Internet use

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