6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nun muhasebe uygulamalarına getirdiği yenilikler ve şirketlerin finansal açıdan değerlendirilmesi

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
Founded in 1997, the Department of Economics is among the founding departments of our University. The Department offers two extensive undergraduate programs, either in English or in Turkish. Our undergraduate programs are catered to developing our students’ skills of analytical thinking, and to practical education. In this regard, the Social Sciences Research and Training Laboratory, founded under the guidance of our department, offers hands-on training to our own students, students and academicians from other universities, and public institutions. Our Department also offers a Graduate Degree Program in Applied Economy and a Doctorate Degree Program in Political Economy for graduates of undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

Journal Issue


Bu tez, 6102 Sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu'nda yer alan düzenlemelerin 6762 Sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu ile karşılaştırmasını yaparak, 6102 Sayılı Kanun'un muhasebe uygulamalarına nasıl bir etkisi olacağını ortaya koymak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmada, 6102 Sayılı Kanun'un muhasebeye getirdiği yenilikler ve şirketlerin finansal açıdan değerlendirilmesi açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.
This thesis is aimed at specifying how the Turkish Trade Code No. 6102 shall affect accounting implementations by comparing the amendments in Turkish Trade Code No. 6102 to Turkish Trade Code No. 6762. In the research, the innovations with Turkish Trade Code No. 6102 for accounting and also financial assessment of companies are described.



Hukuk, İşletme, Bağımsız denetim, Finansal denetim, Law, Kanunlar 6102 sayılı, Business Administration, Muhasebe, Independent audit, Financial control, Muhasebe denetimi, Laws 6102 numbered, Accounting, Muhasebe uygulamaları, Accounting audit, Türk Ticaret Kanunu, Accountin applications, Turkish Commercial Code, İşletme değerlemesi, Business valuation

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