Maddi Duran Varlıklar ile Kiralamalar Uygulamalarının Bobi Frs Açısından Karşılaştırmalı İncelenmesi ve Uygulama Örnekleri

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We are a department that has been active for 22 years with the goal to determine the structural changes in economy and the problems of general business administration, to develop problem solving skills and to devise modelling techniques that fit our aims. Among our cornerstones are to graduate more students into administrative positions of our institutions, to help them realize their inner potential to be go-getters, to prepare them for the entrance exams for high-tier, well-respected public positions, and to help them participate graduate and doctorate degree programs at ease, nationally or internationally. In this regard, our course curriculum is constantly subject to updates. In addition, we do all in our power to graduate students that stand out, with double-major program opportunities. We make an effort to aid our students in kick-starting their professional life after completing a period of one semester at Private - Public institutions within the framework of our Cooperative Education Program.

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TMS/TFRS yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu ile 2013 yılı başından itibaren muhasebe kayıtlarının tutulması ve finansal tabloların düzenlenmesinde, Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartları ve Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartları'nın Türkiye'deki karşılıkları olan, Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları (TMS) ve Türkiye Finansal Raporlama Standartları'nın (TFRS) esas alınması zorunlu hale gelmiştir. BOBİ FRS hali hazırda ki uygulamada bulunan eksikliği gidermek ve gelişmiş piyasalardaki Muhasebe ve raporlama standartlarına daha geniş bir katılımın sağlanabilmesi amacıyla, hali hazırda bulunan MSUGT günümüz ihtiyaçları karşılayamaması ve TMS/TFRS'ler ise bir hayli zor ve karmaşık bir yapıya sahip olması nedeniyle KAYİK dışındaki şirketlerin uygulayacağı standarttır. Çalışmada TMS/TFRS ile Bobi FRS hakkında genel bilgi ve standardın uygulamasında en çok karşılaşılan, maddi duran varlıklar ve kiralamalar bölümlerinin incelenmesi ve uygulama örnekleri kaleme alınmıştır. Ayrıca iki standart arasındaki temel farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmamın muhasebe ve bağımsız denetimle ilgilenen tüm kesimlere yararlı olmasını temenni ederim.
TMS/TFRS since the beginning of 2013 with the new Turkish Commercial Code in regulating the keeping of accounting records and financial statements, the International Accounting Standards ones and International Financial Reporting Standards counterparts in Turkey, Turkey Accounting Standards (TMS) and Turkey Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS) has become compulsory. Bobi FRS is currently unable to meet today's needs and TMS / TFRS have a rather difficult and complicated structure in order to make up for the shortcomings in the current application and to enable a wider participation in the accounting and reporting standards in developed markets is the standard to implement. General information about TMS / TFRS and Bobi FRS in the study and examination and application examples of tangible fixed assets and leasing departments, which are most encountered in the application of the standard, have been taken. Furthermore, fundamental differences between the two standards have been identified. I hope that my work will be useful to all segments interested in accounting and independent auditing.



İşletme, Duran varlıklar, Finansal raporlama standartları, Kiralama, Business Administration, Maddi varlık, Fixed assets, Financial reporting standarts, Muhasebe standartları, Renting, Material object, Türkiye Finansal Raporlama Standardı, Accounting standarts, Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları, Turkish Financial Reporting Standards, Turkish Accounting Standarts, Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartları, International Financial Reporting Standarts

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