İşletmelerde yaşanan psikolojik şiddet

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Research Projects

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Department of Public Administration and Political Science
The graduate programs offered by our department includes a master program and a PhD program in Political Science and Public Administration. Master program includes thesis and non-thesis options. The overall aim of our graduate programs is to prepare students for specialization in Political Science and Public Administration. The curricula of our programs are carefully designed to achieve this aim. All programs offered by our department are supported by our highly qualified departmental faculty members. Our master programs provide students with both practical skills and sound theoretical knowledge. They also provide students with good understanding of Turkish and World politics and administration. While the non-thesis studens will conduct a project, the thesis students will conduct a larger research and write a thesis. Our PhD program prepares students for academic careers in political science and public administration. The program is designed to provide students with substantive theoretical knowledge and research skills. It helps students to develop analytical skills and critical thinking. It also helps students to specialize in at least one sub-field of political science and public administration and to produce not only a PhD thesis but also scholarly articles and books.

Journal Issue


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de yaşanan ve son zamanlar da büyük bir sorun haline gelen iş yerinde psikolojik taciz, yıldırma veya dünya'da kullanılan diğer bir ismiyle `mobbing' sorununa genel bir bakış ve elektrik enerjisi sektöründe çalışanların psikolojik şiddet (mobbing) algılarının, demografik değişkenler karşısında değişim gösterip göstermediğinin saptamaktır.Tez üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde psikolojik taciz (mobbing)'in tanımı yapılmış ve çalışmanın yöntemi hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Birinci bölümde psikolojik şiddet (mobbing) kavramı ve uygulamaları, çalışma hayatında psikolojik şiddetin etkinliği, bireysel, toplumsal ve örgütsel sonuçları, Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de ki yasal yöntemler ile Türkiye'de yaşanmış örnek olaylar anlatılmıştır. İkinci bölümde anket uygulaması yapılmış toplanan veriler SPPS 13.0 yazılımı ile analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular frekans dağılımı ki-kare analizi ile bulgular ortaya konulmuş ve değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde sonuç ve öneriler kısmı yer almaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Mobbing, İşyerinde Yıldırma, işyerinde Şiddet, İşyerinde Duygusal Taciz, İş Yerinde Psikoljik Baskı, İşyerinde Çatışma, İşyerinde
The main purpose of this study is to identify the psychological violence perception of the employees working in the electricity industry if show any change on the face of demographic variables and also to identify the general outlook to the problem of psychological harassment, intimidation, or of which is commonly used in the world as ?mobbing?.The thesis consist of 5 parts. In the first part, the psychologicial harassment (mobbing) has been defined and some information given about the metod of this study. In the second part, the concept of psychological violence (mobbing) and its applications have been explained. In the third part, the effecticeness of psychologicial violence (mobbing), its individual, social and organizational results, the legal procedures in Turkey and in the world with also true stories in Turkey have been described. In the fourth part, the collected data from survey has been analyzed with the software of SPPS 13.0. The obtained findings have been revealed with the frequency distribution, chi-squared analysis, evakuated. The final, fifth part includes the conclusion.Keywords: Mobbing, Intimidation at Work, Violence at Work, Emotional Harassment at work, Psychological Pressure at Work, Conflict, Stress at Work



İşletme, Mobbing, Business Administration, Psikolojik çatışma, Mobbing, Psychological conflict, İşletmeler, Businesses

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