Lojistik açıdan Türkiye'de demiryolu taşımacılığının değerlendirilmesi

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
International Trade and Logistics
Commonly paired with the term logistics, international trade is an irreplaceable, ever-developing element that even pioneers theory with its practices. International trade and logistics is a field that involves developing areas of commerce such as “E-Commerce” and utilizes state-of-the-art technology. As we all know, E-Commerce reaches a volume of trillions of dollars due to special days and celebrations; whereas logistics is what fleshes it out. In addition, while e-commerce gains popularity during the global Covid-19 outbreak, logistics is what deems storage, transportation and customs duties possible. At our Department, the education is offered in English with a program and a staff that grasp development; in addition to hands-on training at our simulation center. Assigning expert academicians and instructors, the department grants the opportunity to make observations in turkey or abroad, every year and in each semester. Similarly, our Department sends students to Erasmus programs, every year. Thus, our graduates are never unemployed. Maintaining our state of being “the only”, “the first”, “and the best” in education, social life, and sports..

Journal Issue


SEVİNÇ, Melis, Lojistik Açıdan Türkiye'de Demiryolu Taşımacılığının Değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2022. Günümüz dünyasında ticaret faaliyetleri ülke sınırlarını aşarak küresel bir duruma gelmiştir. Ticaret faaliyetlerinin başlaması ve tüketim noktasına varışı için taşımacılık faaliyeti önem arz etmektedir. Küreselleşen dünyanın beraberinde getirdiği rekabet ortamı, taşıma faaliyetini bir rekabet unsuru olarak değerlendirmeyi gerektirmektedir. Lojistik maliyetlerin giderek artması, işletmeleri daha az maliyete katlanacakları çözümler bulma yoluna itmiştir. Fazla miktarlı ve ağır yüklerin, uzun mesafede taşınmasında, birim başına maliyeti diğer taşıma türlerine göre daha düşük olan, demiryolu taşımacılığı ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bu tezde, Dünya Bankası (World Bank) tarafından 2010-2018 yılları arasında yayınlanan veriler kullanılarak; Türkiye'nin demiryolu yük taşımacılığında, lojistik performans indeksine göre durumu değerlendirilmiştir.
In today's world, trade activities have reached beyond the borders of the country and become global. Transportation activity is important for the start of trading and their arrival at the point of consumption. The competitive environment brought by the globalizing world requires evaluating the transportation activity as a competitive element. The gradual increase in logistics costs has pushed the business world towards finding solutions that will have less impact on cost. Railway transportation, which has a lower cost per unit compared to other types of transportation, comes to the fore in the long-distance transportation of heavy and large loads. In this thesis, the situation of Turkey in rail freight transportation has been evaluated according to the logistics performance index by using the data published by the World Bank between 2010-2018.



Ulaşım, Transportation

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